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What he wears

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What he wears. Y/n takes off his helmet if he is not in Gondor or if he is far away. His armor will change.

Name: Y/n descendant of Anarion

Appearance: He has an adult appearance but he has the blood of numenor like Aragorn so he is old but look a little young.

Age: 70-73 (Two years until the events of the Lord of the Rings) he has the blood of Numenor so he will live like Aragon did. Y/n's life span is about 220 years by his guess or early.

Y/n is the descendant of the fallen house of Ararion. One of the princes of Gondor had an affair with a commoner and later hide their child in secret. Knowing that the lines of kings will not end. The Legitimated family will be in secret knowing that the Stewart would not allow the commoner to become king.

Rank: Sergeant

Y/n is good friends with Faramir and Boromir making them brothers in arms.

Y/n like his descendants goes to battle but he  smarter than his descendant who died in battle. He believes that tactics and strategy will win the fight. Y/n learns Sauron's army as they use their numbers in battle plus the Nazgûl they have. Y/n figures at fire is their weakness so he carry a torch in night and day.

Y/n knows some of the Evlish words thanks to some elves in Lorien he saved. In time Y/n left his post on his break and goes to the Elves to learn more. In time Y/n is worried about Saruman as the White Wizard grows bolder and suspicious.

Y/n is towards the Faithful knowing that if he takes the One Ring than he will have the same fate of Isildur.

In some time Y/n it will met Aragorn and their relations were closer. They were like blood brother like Islidur and Anarion.

Y/n never want to be a ruler but he will led his army to defend and hold until Hope will arrived. His speeches, reason, reveal, and bravery.

Sauron discovers that Y/n is the descendant of Gondor which he sends his army to kill him and his friends in Xadia even his love of his life.

Y/n would not be king of Gondor but King in another realm.

Y/n would not be king of Gondor but King in another realm

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Y/n's royal ring. Y/n only shows to anyone that he will trust. Only Aragon and Gandalf recognize the symbol of the king of Gondor. No one knows who he is but only to tower guard and the royal guard who sees the ring of the king of Gondor and the blood of Anarion.

Y/n has a grudge of Denethor not for power but to ensure the protection and safety of the free people. Even if Y/n shows his royal ring he will not be king but a leader who is better than a crazy Stewart of Gondor.


His sword (His sword will be replace)

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His sword (His sword will be replace)

Reborn- Y/n grandfather's weapon and weapon that Anarion uses in the last alliance

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Reborn- Y/n grandfather's weapon and weapon that Anarion uses in the last alliance. Elrond was kind enough to reforge his weapon as it represents his family line. Y/n's grandfather uses this weapon to kill Azog the defiler and saved Thorin's life. His legacy spread to all the lands even Gondor itself his body was laid to the Dwarves as he wanted to represent the free man of Middle Earth. This weapon will vanish the Nazgûl and it strikes fear due from the reforge blade and elven magic. With this Y/n will be unaffected from the Nazgûl's curse.


Y/n's dagger but he gave it to Fareeda to defend herself

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Y/n's dagger but he gave it to Fareeda to defend herself.

Love Interest Queen Fareeda of Evenere-As Y/n enters the lands of Evenere and was later escorted by the army which they are unfamiliar with his armor

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Love Interest Queen Fareeda of Evenere-As Y/n enters the lands of Evenere and was later escorted by the army which they are unfamiliar with his armor. Y/n met with the queen and it was the first sight of her beauty. No one in middle earth would have such beauty expect for Arwen which he will agree. Even if she is just an ordinary human with no blood of Numenor. Y/n still loves her even if she will die he will never forget her nor he will find another wife.

That's it. I hope you like this story. In this world of Middle Earth, huge changes will begin in the North. With Thorin Oakenshield alive and the fast actions for the Free people. Queen Fareeda will be alive as she will support the free people what ever she can. For Middle Earth this will take place in 3016 of the Third age. Sauron will be a huge problem but the threat in Xadia is worst in the shadows an elf with knowledge of Sauron and Morgoth will be bad in the fourth age or the future of Xadia.

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