
hea stood up, walking over to mason and typed in her username. immediately, it came up, however, also showing that kai followed her.

oh shit, i didn't think about that, she thought. ben jumped up from the sofa, wanting to follow thea too and stood around the group.

"you already follow her kai?" mason thought aloud.

an alarmed expression made its way onto kai's face causing thea to step in. "oh yeah! he followed me early today and vice versa."

"of course he did," mason grinned, shaking his head, believing the white lie. a few of the other boys crowded around the two, wanting to see thea's username so they could follow her.

the girl slipped away from the huddle and was about to sit back down next to kai, when something timo said, caught her by surprise.

"kai's done a bit of stalking," timo laughed, his eyes still on his phone. "he's liked pictures from months ago."

her eyes widening, thea looked at timo then to kai, then back to timo.

"and thea went to mr. hartmann's birthday party too, kai!" timo exclaimed, an oblivious smile on his face, "what a coincidence!"

"and julian follows her too..." timo continued, before trailing off, thea wanting to zip his mouth shut.

but it was already too late.

an awkward silence filled the room, as everybody glanced between thea and kai while discovering kai's comments from, indeed, months ago.

thea felt her heart skip a beat, as her pass became increasingly more sweaty.

"so have you two - um...met?" ben asked, being the first to speak up.

"yeah," thea only managed to get out, almost choking out the word. she didn't notice it, but kai did from behind her, that her hands had begun shaking.

"and neither of you said anything?" mason frowned, but not in an accusatory way.

kai stood up at that question, not wanting thea to fend for herself. he took a step forward, putting his arm out in front of thea. "i told her not to."

thea glanced to kai at his words.

"i-i mean you guys didn't plan on saying anything...about like...us," kai stammered, "and timo was right...kind of. we did meet a few months ago at that party and we hadn't seen each other since, but we have kept in contact since then."

thea swallowed a lump in her throat, wanting to say something, but not knowing how.

"i-i just thought it would be easier if...if i didn't mention it," kai mumbled, "if neither of us mentioned it."

"hey, hey its alright man," mason gave a small smile, "we get it."

kai and thea glanced up to see the rest of the boys with similar looks on their faces to mason's. none of them had seemed angry, just a tad confused in the beginning.

"how come you told julian and not me?"

everybody laughed at timo's comment, as the air was cleared, everything going back to normal. kai gave a reply that thea wasn't listening to as everybody dipped into their own conversations.

she sat back down on the sofa, kai sitting next to her again.

"see, everything's okay," he smiled softly. thea just hummed, her hands beginning to shake even more.

"do they hate me?" she murmured, not meeting kai's eyes, "i feel like they do."

"absolutely not," kai said in response. he took her hands in his squeezing them tightly as a way to comfort her.

thea glanced around the room, her mind still on the situations that had just happened. even kai comforting touch wasn't helping calm her down this time. she hadn't had much anxiety for a while now, and she was hoping on keeping that winning streak.

"y'know i was thinking about buying some rings," kai abruptly brought up, trying to distract her from her own thoughts. thea hummed in response, glancing down at his hands.

"how....how many would you get?" she asked, her fingertips tracing around kai's fingers where his rings would be.

"i'm not sure yet," he responded with a shrug, also noticing how she was beginning to calm down now. "maybe you can help me look for some?"

"yeah, i can do that," she hummed. she found herself beginning to relax as she played with his fingers.

mason clicked play on the film on netflix, as the group grew silent.


"another film, guys?" mason asked, before adding, "and girl."

thea smiled, "i would, but i have to get going now." the time was almost 10 and she had to unpack a few things still.

"what, really?" ben sighed, the other footballers too looking slightly disappointed.

"what, you guys gonna miss me too much?" she smirked.

mason scoffed but there was a smile on his face, "in your dreams."

"you guys can put on another film but im going to book my uber," thea said, fishing out her phone from her pocket.

"are you sure you don't want one of us to drop you back," callum offered.

thea shook her head, "nah its alright. thank you though."

after booking it, thea relaxed back into her seat, as the second film (chosen by tammy this time) began to play.


around 10 minutes later, she heard a honk from outside. sighing, looked around. "i'll see you guys...well whenever i next see you."

she unlinked her fingers with kai's before standing up, only now realising they had been holding hands for the whole film - minus the part where they were eating dinner.

a chorus of 'byes' sounded across the living room. but also, kai stood up with thea, dusting off his clothes.

"i'll-uh...walk to the door," he mumbled, although everybody could hear him.

they walked down the corridor, the other boys shouting one last goodbye as thea slipped her shoes back on.

kai opened the door for her, following her outside before the two stood on the patio for a few moments.

thea exhaled deeply, "are you sure they don't hate me?"

"i'm 100% certain," kai confirmed.

"i just..." trailed off, looking at the floor, "i feel like i've been lying to them this whole time and that-"

"hey!" kai cut her off. he stepped forwards, stepping forwards and wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "you haven't don't anything  wrong."

thea hummed in response, her cheek pressed against his firm chest. leaning back, he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before saying, "now go. before your uber driver actually kills me with the death stares he's been giving me this past minute."

thea blushed, nodding her head. "good night kai," she smiled, one last time.

"good night," kai repeated back as she got into the car.


yet again, the beginning
of this chapter isn't
proof read lol but i
still hope u liked it!!

ive had this chapter
and the previous one
written (mostly) for
agess and im so
glad i can finally share it
w u guys!!

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