Your Highness 7

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     I ran my fingers through my hair sitting down on the ground.

I saw what happened he had no right to say that to you

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I saw what happened he had no right to say that to you.
     He wasn't wrong...
Hayden loves us for us he would never hurt us the way he did.
     I know...but let's face it I can't give Hayden a family...I can't have kids... I had one son and I will forever be grateful for it...
Mhm only time will tell...

I turn around and I see Hayden standing a few feet away from us.

How did you know where to find me?
Julian knows you to well...which one am I talking to?
        I don't think either of you need a speech from me at this point. When you know what I'm going to say.
Let me guess he's not worth it? He's wrong? I could still go back and kill him?
He's not wrong you know...
I can't give you any kids...if you stay with me you'll never have kids.

He took a deep breath sitting down on the grass next to me taking a deep breath.

I have a kid as far as I'm concerned he's mine. I have a beautiful girlfriend and an amazing son. Nothing would change that.
You don't want a mini you running around?
Maybe a few years down the line when we're ready to adopt but for now I'm not in a hurry.
Thank you.

I put my head on his chest and I felt him kissing the top of his head. That night still haunts me to this day, no matter how many time I try to push it out of my mind. The thoughts, the pain, and the feel everything is still alive and killing me inside

* 1 Year Ago *

     I woke up to bright lights...what the hell? I slowly turned to my side avoiding the light opening my eyes when I see Julian.

     Julian...? what are you doing? are you feeling...?
    Ok? Why.

     I slowly sat up when a sharp pain ran down my stomach and my lower back...ow what the hell... I look around and realize I'm at the hospital.

     Julian where...where am I...?
        Nadia...I'm not sure how to tell you this...

    Julian kept stuttering on the verge of crying when in walks in a doctor holding a clipboard.

           Hello I'm doctor Erikson how are you feeling? stomach hurts?
           That's to expected. Do you remember what happened?
     I...No not really.

     I looked over at Julian who was giving him a death glare. I watched as the doctor swallowed hard before he said his goodbyes leaving the room.

        Now's not the best time.
     Julian what did I do?
        Nadia I had no idea...I swear but when they called me...
     Julian! what happened?! got into a car accident. The doctors called me since I was you emergency contact an I had to make a choice I'm so sorry...
     What choice what the hell are you talking about?!
        The doctor made me make the choice to save you or your baby...

The Green Eyed Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن