Chapter 5: Monokuma Child Chase

Start from the beginning

"Then...l'll lend you my shoulder..."

"No, it's fine. I already let my family down... I can't bring harm to three strangers..."

"But..." Komaru tried to argue.

"He said it's fine. We're barely moving fast enough as it is, we can't protect an adult with a bad leg, too." Toko pointed out. "He has a better chance of surviving if he hides somewhere by himself."

The man nodded in agreement. "Yeah... She's right. Thanks for your concern, but she's absolutely right."

"...Well, if that's the case... Okay." Komaru reluctantly relented as the man started sobbing.

"Wh-What's this out of nowhere?" Toko raised an eyebrow.

"I let my family die, right in front of my eyes... And now I'm making 3 young girls pity me... I'm pathetic..." He sniffed. "Just so pathetic..."

The three girls grimaced as they stayed silent before walking off.  Later, they found a comic book on the floor before Komaru picked it up and opened it.


"Dawn, Container, Salable, Mellow, Food. These 5 friends run a small, unassuming soup shop. However, these chosen warriors cannot stay soup salesmen forever."

"With the mighty STORM power, they transform into Tornado Sentai Spin Rangers, and battle tirelessly day and night against the evil Phantoms. This is the eye of the tornado entertainment! Spin the world with Spin Ranger!"


"...Why are all the books in this town trashy?" Toko deadpanned as she looked at the book in disgust. "Did everyone with good taste die off or something?"

"Who the hell names their kid "Container" and "Food"...?" Akira wondered.

"I'm sure the person who dropped this was just a kid." Komaru assumed. "All boys have a superhero phase, after all."

"A-All bovs!? Don't you dare!" Toko looked offended. "My noble master Byakuya would never befoul himself with this childish crap!"

"Hm, don't you think Byakuya is kinda like a superhero, in a way?" Komaru asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like when he rescued me, his timing was so perfect, just like a hero's."

Toko's eye twitched. "Master...doesn't think of you as his damsel in distress at all! You're no Lois Lane, woman!"

"I-I didn't mean it like that..." Komaru grew defensive.

"Well, I can never be too careful... You never know who's a homewrecker until it's too late..." Toko mumbled. "But I know what you mean, about the perfect timing. Lots of strange coincidences lately... The Monokumas ambushed this town exactly when Future Foundation arrived to save you... It's too convenient to be coincidence."

"Byakuya said the reason they came here was because they received an anonymous rescue plea... Do you think...the children did it?" Komaru said.

Toko sighed. "Wouldn't surprise me."

"Then...the children were targeting Future Foundation from the beginning? Why?"

"Hmph, how would I know? But it does seem to fit. Still, I can't imagine what kind of grudge they could have against Future Foundation... The only thing I know for sure is that we can't underestimate these brats, or we'll end up dead."

"Hm... I hope there aren't any more unpleasant surprises..."

"I wouldn't hold my breath on that one." Akira said. "In a place like this, unpleasant surprises are the common norm..."

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