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3rd POV

Walking into "S," (Y/n) noticed that there were a lot more people there than at other times. It could have been because the Matador of Love was going to be skating that night. This made the nine-year-old wonder if Adam is a big deal. She has never seen him skate yet, so she can't conclude that. Nonetheless, (Y/n) has to race, even if it's with Adam so that she can find her father, or maybe just for the fun of skating.

She doesn't know how that'll work, but it's worth a try.

"There's so many people," Langa states as he looks at his surroundings.

"Well, duh. Adam's gonna be here. He's a skating legend, undefeated, the god of 'S,'" Reki starts saying, which causes Langa to look at him with a confused look. "Why would you make a guy like that your enemy?" the snowboarder asks. "That's not what this is about! If I lose this thing, he's coming for you and (Y/n) next!" the redhead says as he places a hand on top of the said girl's head. Not knowing why he's doing that, she just smiles with her eyes closed.

"Yeah, that's true," Langa says, not acting as freaked out as Reki thought he would.

"Call it off," the sound of Miya's voice was heard by the three. They turn around and see Miya standing there while looking down at the ground. "I don't need an apology. And besides, the points he made about me weren't wrong, at least about being empty."

Reki looks at the boy as if he just saw a ghost. "You mean that? Sheesh." The redhead seems to be in a daze before he continues talking. "Here's the thing. I'm not good at understanding whys or hows. But I'm still in. I wanna blow Adam out of the frickin' water! And then watch his tears drown out that sadistic smirk!"

"There's no way! He'll slaughter you!" Miya yells back at Reki. On the side, (Y/n) is shocked that the two boys are yelling right now and is wondering why. She doesn't like seeing people fight, it's one of the things that she dislikes the most.

Langa then looks at Miya with a smile. "It's not about winning. This is an adventure," he says, and then looks at the nine-year-old who was standing beside him. "Isn't that right? Do you think skating is an adventure?" he asks the girl. She never really heard someone describe skating that way, but it was very inspiring. She responds with a smile while saying, "Yup!"

"Well look who finally gets it!" Reki says as he smiles at his two close friends. Miya looked surprised that they thought of skating that way, but he was still feeling nervous about what was going to happen with Adam.

"He's here!"


Other skaters started chanting Adam's name, which got the other four skaters' attention. (Y/n) looks and sees Adam walking into the crowd with his cape draped over his shoulder and his skateboard in hand. The way he did his entrance made him look intimidating, which made the girl a bit nervous.

"That's him," Miya informed as he and the others don't take their eyes off of the said Matador of Love.

"That's quite a show," Reki then said sounding a bit intrigued.

As (Y/n) continued to watch the pro skater until he came to a stop in the center of attention, she noticed something a bit odd. It looked like Adam was staring directly at her. But because he's wearing a mask, she isn't quite sure about that. It still creeped her out, either way, as a chill ran up her spine.

'Why does it look like he's looking at me? It's freaking me out,' (Y/n) thinks to herself as she tries to not show her fear.

"Wait, wait, hold up!"

"I'm dead!"

"Cherry's here!"

"Whoa! So are Joe and his abs!"

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