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Richie's eyes widened and fluttered shut as he kissed back. Eddie put a hand on Richie's cheek and if Richie were able to move his body, he would too.

Eddie pulled away crying, and placed his forehead on Richie's.

"I love you to death," Eddie whispered and sniffed, and Richie only cried even more.

"I don't think I want to anymore," Richie cried out, and Eddie brought his head to his chest. He held Richie in his arms as talked to him in as much of a calm manner as he could.

The ambulance soon arrived, along with the police. Wentworth was arrested, and the ambulance came and swooped Richie up, placing him in the back of the truck. 

Eddie stood there watching, knees about to buckle. Bill turned and hugged Bev, and Bev hid her face into his chest as he watched the people take Richie away. Mike patted Ben on the shoulder as they watched, and Maggie stood in tears. She walked up to Eddie and hugged him like he was her child, and he simply hugged back. He wasn't used to this kind of behavior from an adult, so he took it.

Besides, Maggie must be hurting so horribly. Her husband who she loved has been beating their son, and he's being arrested right in front of her eyes. She also has to watch as doctors yell at each other from either side of the ambulance truck and stuff Richie in.

It was terrifying to watch. No body knew if he'd be okay, or if he'd even make it due to the amount of blood he lost.

They rushed into the hospital as soon as they could, and sat down in the waiting room.

"Hello, I'm doctor Kyra and you're Mrs. Tozier, I'd assume?" the doctor spoke, as she approached the group of seven.

"Yes, yes that's me," Maggie breathed out. She sniffed and wiped her eyes, clearing her throat. "How is he? How is Richie?"

"He's doing alright, he's suffering though a lack of blood, but we're doing all we can," she said. "Would you like to go in?"

"Oh yes please," Maggie said.

"Alright. One person at a time, please. We don't want to disturb him."

She doctor smiled and turned away, leading Maggie to the room. She opened the door for her, closed it and walked away, letting the two have some time alone.

"Hi, mom," Richie said from where he lied on the bed.

"Oh my God, baby," she whispered, rushing over to the bed. "Oh my God you're okay." She took a deep breath and swallowed.

"Could be better," Richie said, squirming a bit to find a comfortable position.

His voice sounded so hoarse.

"I'm so sorry honey, if we had just helped you before that man could hurt you then none of this would've happened and you wouldn't have to be here and-" Maggie went on, rambling about how it was her fault before Richie stopped her.

"Mom! I'm okay now, see? I'll be fine, trust me. And, none of this is your fault, you couldn't have prevented it," Richie reassured her. Though, no matter how many times Richie would tell her otherwise, she couldn't help but believe it was her fault.

She sniffed again and wiped her eyes, smiling. She chuckled a bit and looked back down at Richie.

"Went's in jail now. And I'm never letting that man see your face again," she said, and Richie's eyes widened. A smile appeared on his face.

"R-Really?!" She nodded. "Oh my God, thank you so much," he exclaimed, and burst into tears. They hugged each other for about five minutes.

Time went by and everyone had gone in and talked to Richie except for Eddie. Eddie was just genuinely too scared. He wanted to see his best friend, well, his secret crush, but he didn't want to see him in a sort of manner that would cause him to burst into tears.

"Go, Eddie. He really wants to see you," Beverly said.

Richie lied in the hospital bed, trapped in his terrifying thoughts.

'Why hasn't Eddie come yet..? Is it because he didn't mean the kiss and he just did that to calm me down? Is he too embarrassed to even be around me anymore? Does he not actually like me?'

Richie started to cry slightly, and every bone in his body ached. Tears fell from his eyes, and suddenly, the down burst open. 

He looked in surprise, trying to stop himself from crying even more.

Eddie stood in the doorway, and quickly jogged over to Richie.

"Richie! What's wrong, why're your crying?" he asked.

"N-Nothing," Richie sniffed. He knew it was a stupid reason to be crying. He thought it was, at least.

Eddie leaned over the bed and placed his lips on Richie's once again, this time longer than the one outside.

Richie kissed back and managed to raise his arm high enough to put his hand on the back of Eddie's head as Eddie cupped his hands on Richie's rosy cheeks. Richie rose his other arm and placed it softly on Eddie's red cheek.

They continued to make out, and the second Eddie pulled away he hugged Richie lightly.

Richie rested his head on Eddie's shoulder while in the hug and let a few tears slip. This was all he ever wanted, why was he crying?

"God I'm so sorry, Rich, you don't deserve such a horrible excuse of a father," Eddie said, and pulled out of the hug, still cupping Richie's cheeks as he spoke.

"It's not your fault," Richie whispered back and Eddie nodded.

"I know. But it's our fault for not noticing."

"What can I say, Eds, I'm really good at hiding shit," Richie said, and smiled sheepishly. Eddie breathed out a laugh and sniffed.

"I love you," Eddie said, and Richie's eyes wondered slightly as his face turned a bright red.

"I love you more, Eds," Richie said, and they kissed once more.

sorry this one's so short 🤺
revision later <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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