𝟓𝟕. Benjamin

418 22 26

Valentine led their way through the dense crowd. She would sneer and the people who knew better would move aside.

She gripped Draco's hand, who gripped Leah's, who gripped Blaze's, who at the end of their small procession gripped Liam's.

I never realized how difficult this would be with more than just Draco and I.

"Ouch!" Valentine heard Leah yelp.

"Oi! Watch it!" Blaze barked at someone.

"I said I was sorry!" An unknown voice shouted back. "It was an accident."

"Just watch where you're putting your big feet next time!" Blaze spat.

"Go to hell!"

"Make me, you filth!"

We can't even walk in a straight goddamn line together!

"Blaze, calm down." Liam urged him. 

"Yeah, my foot's fine, you idiot." Leah slapped his shoulder. "Let's just go."

Valentine pushed back through the crowd, ignoring the annoyed stares of the passers-by who had to circle around their little incident. 

Draco kept a tight hold on her hand as if he was worried she'd be stolen away in the tide of people. Not so long ago, Valentine would have thought twice but letting Draco cling to her like this and in public no less, but time and circumstance were changing. It was a small price to pay for the little peace of mind she could afford him. 

"What the hell is the hold-up?" Valentine snapped at no one in particular when they still didn't move.

"Nothing." Blaze grumbled. "Let's go."

"Big-headed, bloody elitist's." A voice muttered under their breath yet loud and purposeful enough that even Valentine heard it from the front of the line clear as day. 

"Excuse me?" Blaze immediately bristled.

Valentine released Draco's hand and put her on his shoulder to silence him. She slowly turned her narrowed gaze towards the man.

He wasn't very tall, but taller than her to be sure. He was dark-haired and dark-eyed. Too old to be a student, too young to be a parent.

"Are you stupid?" Liam glared at the man. "We were about to let you just walk away from this."

"Oh, I'm so honoured! You shower me with your benevolence!" The man threw his arms up sarcastically.

"Who the hell do think-" 

"I doubt you'd know me. You posh types." The man scoffed. "But I was in Ravenclaw two years ago and all I remember was you little monsters going around making everyone's life hell."

"Maybe they deserved it." Draco spoke through gritted teeth.

"Yeah and maybe you're delusional." The man mocked.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Blaze struggled against both Liam and Leah's hold.

By now, people had stopped, looking on in concern and curiosity.

"You should have walked away when you had the chance." Liam hissed.

This is bad.

"He started this!" The man pointed to Blaze accusingly.

Valentine moved like lighting and slapped the man's hand away, pulling all the attention to her.

I'm still in control here

"Raise your hand again and I'll break it in two, you vulgar waste of space." 

"You." The man curled his lip at her, holding his hand in the other. He didn't look as sure about what he was doing as he did before but he also didn't let that stop him. "It's always you. The little ring leader. You cousin likes to walk around like he's in charge but we all know he wouldn't piss without your say so."

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