𝟏𝟓. Mulpepper's

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TRIGGER WARNING; Contains violence and mild gore. Please take care if you are sensitive to such things.


"Oi." said Blaze. "Someone pass me the salt, please?"

Draco grabbed the salt shaker from the middle of the table and tossed it down to him. Blaze leapt for it, coming up out of his seat and his elbow finding a home in the mashed potatoes as he sat back down.

"Damn it, bloody hell!" Blaze cursed, scrambling to find something to wipe it away with.

Leah laughed hysterically as always, being no help to him. Draco and Liam barely glanced at Blaze or each other but shared a high five. Valentine wasn't looking either. She was too preoccupied to even remember that she was supposed to be eating.

So, the plan is, I get out of the castle, meet Snape at the decided time, we walk down to Hogsmeade, disapparate to Knockturn Alley and I get what I need. Then I meet him in the same spot where we part ways, disapparate and get back to school hopefully in time for a quick nap before the next day starts. Simple yet complicated. And likely to go horribly wrong in any myriad of ways.

She had not doubted it would happen at one junction or another. Something was just bound to go wrong but all she could do was try and be ready for it when it did. The problem with being ready for it was that she had no idea what setback to prepare for.

She glanced up at the teachers table. Snape was watching the hall with his usual glare that darkened when his eyes met hers. She raised her goblet just high enough for him to recognise her doing so before taking a swig. He raised a brow at her action and then his attention was stolen when Professor McGonagall turned to him and started to speak.

Meanwhile, Leah was still cackling at Blaze's folly.

"I can't believe you did that! Again! This is like the fourth time this year!"

"Hey, Val." Blaze growled. "If I ever lose it and decide to kill them all, you'll help me right?"

"Her help is the only help you'd manage." Liam scoffed.

"And we all know what you're like when it comes to spells." Draco added. "Any of us could take you out with barely the slightest effort."

"Who said anything about spells?" Blaze gritted his teeth. "Maybe I'd rather do it with my bare hands."

Draco and Liam just laughed at that like Blaze had told a very funny joke. Students in the seats around then shared annoyed looks. Hogwarts' resident group of bullies also happened to be their resident group of obnoxious weirdos. Blaze crossed his arms with his chest with a huff, smearing the mashed potato further.

"Aw, come on Blazie!" Leah poked at his cheek.


"Don't be boring."

"I hate you all."


"And I hate you, in particular, a whole freaking lot."

"What are you going to do?" Liam gave him a lopsided smirk, "Tell Val on us?"

"She's not even listening." Said Draco, waving his hand in front of Valentine's face.

She growled under her breath and battered his hand away with her fork.

"Leave me out of this childishness." She tried to focus on her dinner.

"You heard her." Liam related to Blaze. "You're on your own."

"How about we talk about Jane Philips instead?" Blaze gave Liam the most innocent expression he could muster.

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