ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚

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I removed my bangs from my line of sight to read that again, no way did my dad beat up a guy so much that he went into a coma.

"Chrissy, are you sure that this is the right information?" I asked,

"I bet my favorite hoodie on it, I dug deep and found some things ya know." 

"Did my dad really send a guy to a coma, just like that?" I couldn't believe it, though dad has a massive body frame, his personality is soft. He plays games with me and spends time with us, no way can he be the bad guy.

"Look, I hate to break it to you Viv but rich people are like that yah? hell, even if they kill a person nobody would know. They can just cover it up with money. That's why I'm aspiring to become like him, rich and fearless," Chrissy explained, probably doing the jazz hands. 

"Ahh, one more thing, while researching I met with a person who witnessed the fight and he said the reason both of them fought was because that guy insulted and inappropriately touched his girlfriend."

"His girlfriend? do you know her name?" I asked, 

"Ahh, what was that? yeah, I think it was Alissa Artemis Peyton, I do-," She answered and then suddenly stopped.

"That's my mom's name!" Holy Croissants, so dad met mom in high school? I never would have imagined.

"So you're saying that my dad put a guy in a coma because he eve teased and assaulted my mom, well that's what I would do too. Ahh and here I thought that my dad was a bad guy," I breathed in relief.

"Well, that's why I wanted to be like him, anyway I have to go, don't call me from tomorrow onwards. I have exams," Chrissy sighed and sobbed.

"Kayy, good luck, and ace the paper," I whispered some goodbyes and love you's and cut the call.

The front doorbell rang and I knew it was game time!


(At school)

It's been a week since I joined the school and it's going pretty well. I haven't seen Rosa at all, which is good news. You know we all have that favorite teacher, right? the one who lets us off the hook and whose class you'd be looking forward to. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll have one as all the teachers over here are assholes.

"Class listen up, a new student will be joining today, please come in dear," Our teacher Miss Green said, clapping her hands.

A tall girl probably about 5'7 comes inside the class with her shades on and damn she looks stunning.

"Hello people, I'm Sakura Hayami. I hate Mondays, and so do you. Let's get along," She said nonchalantly and plopped down on an empty seat next to me.

"Hi," I whispered, she literally looks like the type to be besties with.

The way Sakura whipped her head around startled me(her hair hit my face) and I jumped backward and slid off my chair and Elora started laughing, well if someone laughed, I laugh too, and then we three hysterically laughed until the teacher told us to be quiet.

Anyway, it wasn't long before lunch that we three became besties. Sakura moved from japan and settled here with her mother and her older brother. We all found what we have in common, annoying OLDER BROTHERS. 

After eating lunch, we roamed about the school for some time, judging people here and there. I had a great time till I didn't. The treacherous feeling engulfed my stomach and I fell in pain.

In short my period started and I don't have any pads on me and now I have cramps. On top of all of this, I wore white jeans. The worst combo of all time and the ingredients needed for a disaster. Can this day be any worse?

Sakura had some on her and gave one to me, I've never felt so thankful. I ran to the washroom and changed. I smiled, remembering the time when I got my first ever period, I sat crying in the washroom because I didn't know what to do and my mom ran all the way, leaving her work and coming to school. I thought I was dying because I was bleeding from my ass and it took my mom an hour to convince me that I wasn't dying. Fun times.

School got over quickly and it is time to go. The pain is still there and I'm afraid that if I get up a waterfall is gonna come, so I just sat there staring into oblivion. I don't know how much time had passed but it's hurting so bad I can't just get up and withered in pain. 

A loud bang startled me as I watch Armando storm into the room, pick me up, and threw me into the car. 

Wow, what an experience. Is he angry? I didn't do anything wrong though, or did I?

"Umm, Armando?" I called him but he didn't respond and kept driving. I called out to Alex but he too wasn't answering. What the hell is up with those two?

The entire car ride was filled with awkward silence. I didn't have the courage to speak first so I just stayed silent. We reached home in a max 20 min, the twins rushed to the house leaving me behind.

Okay, this is starting to annoy me.  What's their deal? as far as I know I did nothing to annoy them. Wait, are they angry that I put frosting in their shoes? but that was a joke and they laughed too.

There's one thing that I can't stand in the entire world and that is being given the silent treatment. That shit hurts more than being hit with a coat hanger. I stomped all the way to the hall where they were laying their disgusting feet on the best cushions.

"Can either of you tell me what's the problem?" I snapped, 

"Nothing," Alex shrugged and turned on the T.V, but I took the remote and switched it off.

"Tell me your problem, now," I put my hands on my hips. 

"You didn't come in time," Armando said, looking in a different direction.

"Uh-WHAT?" I scoffed, and they got upset because I didn't come in time. What in the actual fuck? 

This is ridiculous, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at their reason, like whaaaaaat?


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Hellloooo guuuuuyyssss, I had a tough time writing this chap, probably cuz I don't know what the hell am I supposed to write next. It's not that relevant to the main plot of the story but just to give an insight into Viv's life. The next chap will be fun and it is where the main thing finally begins. Please look forward to it. Vote and comment too, if you like my story💞

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