ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝

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After I came out of the bathtub, I dried myself and headed out. The clothes that I picked were neatly laid on the bed and there were a pair of house slippers nearby.

After getting dressed up I looked in the mirror, I saw a tiny little pimple forming near my eyebrow, my hair is in a mess and I looked like a sleep-deprived monster. My hair is the same chestnut brown as Lorenzo's and the same honey eyes as Alex's. I am a mix of both of them and it made me feel like painting the whole town red.

A knock on the door pulled me away from fixing my unruly hair.

"Yes, come in," I called out.

"You done?" Armando poked through the gap, his hair fell in front of his eyes and he quickly brushed it back.

"Yeah, I'm just doing my hair. It looks like a bird's nest no?" I laughed out.

"Here, let me help you," Armando offered.

"Oh, it's okay. It is filled with tangles and it might be difficult for you," I tried to refuse, but he quickly came near me and took the comb from my hand, made me sit down, and started brushing slowly.

"Don't refuse, I want to help you and moreover I have experience," He chuckled,

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked curiously,

"Not anymore, she uhh-" 

"You don't have to say, it's okay" I ruefully said,

After brushing my hair, he tied it into a ponytail with a cute grey and yellow patterned scrunchie.

"Ta-da," He smiled and wriggled his fingers.

"Shall we go?" He pointed to the door and we both got out of my room.

This is going to be my first time seeing my father and my whole family, My hands started to sweat and my nose started to tingle. It always tingles when I'm nervous.

We went down the stairs for what seemed like an eternity and when we finally reached down, I gathered up all my courage and mental strength to have a non-awkward talk with them. Be nice, don't over-act or make any strange sounds or actions, make sure to ask them about the cafe, and more importantly  DO NOT ask personal questions. If they want to, they will tell me.

"You nervous?" Armando asked, concerned as he saw my sweat-ridden face.

"yes- yeah, very much," I've felt so skittish that I have forgotten how to talk.

"Here, hold my hand," He held out his hand and his lips curled up a bit into a soft smile. This made me feel reassured and we talked all the way to the dining room.  Realizing that they are my only family and that the care that they have shown me, considering the fact that they never knew me before but still decided to take me in, made me feel less nervous, and to be honest what's the worst that could happen?

The door opened and 5 people were sitting in their respective seats all arguing with Alex. An older-looking man wearing a grey suit sat at the end of the table and listened to them, along with another younger man who looks like an exact copy of the older one. On the right, there is this guy who looks like he's about punch Alex, his muscles bulged out underneath his shirt and there were tattoos around his neck and continued below.

"Hey, guys come on. I couldn't miss out on the party and you know that this is just a test right?" Alex retaliated.

"You didn't even say there was a party and sneaked out, we can't just take this dumb excuse," Lorenzo sneered.

"Well, you sneaked out last night too," Alex struck back, a smirk gracing his face as he feels he is about to win.

"I had work dumbass," Enzo sat back and huffed out loud.

"I'm not sure," The tattooed guy spoke out, smirking at him.

"You don't believe me?" Enzo gasped and put his hand over his mouth, "How could you?" He continued.

"Everybody quiet down NOW," The older man finally spoke, his voice is louder than the rest of them and everyone at the table Immediately shut their mouths.

"Hello," I whispered and then quickly sealed my lips tight.

"VIVI!!," Alex exclaimed with joy, drawing everyone's attention to me. Their eyes were drilling holes into mine and when our eyes met I am pretty sure that I'm interrupting something that I should not get involved with.

"Let's go," Armando said, his hand directed towards the table.

Wooh, here we go.

Alex patted on the seat next to him and I sat down gently. 

"So how do you like the house so far?" The tattooed guy spoke.

"It's wonderful, I like the design," I complimented,

"I didn't introduce myself right, I'm Dante and the middle child for some damn reason. Let's get along!" He grinned which showed his crooked front tooth which made his face look more handsome.

"I'm Vincent, your oldest brother. I hope that you are comfortable here," He spoke authoritatively, Honestly I felt like I'm in a business meeting with him.

"And I'm your-" 

"-Dad" I continued. Realizing that I had interrupted him, I coughed and slowly sipped from the glass of grape juice. I could feel my cheeks heat up from the word I just said. In the 13 years that I have lived, never have I ever called or even say that word in my mind.

When I looked at him, his face showed astonishment and I quickly looked down. Then, I heard a chuckle,

"Let's start eating, shall we?" Dad said, still chuckling. 

In this room where we all are here, eating together, I never felt so full. We talked a lot and laughed a lot, I finally felt like I belong here, with them. I wished mom would be here too, then our family would be completed. 

Little did I know that when I uttered those words, God took that seriously.

A/N Hello dearies, how are you guys doing??? 

My tests finished on Friday and I took a lot of time to prepare the story. I hope I wasn't too late to publish. Though it's Monday, I hope you guys enjoy the story.

Please comment and vote, It would be really helpful and It will boost my spirits too.

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