Changbin raises his head to stare at him, sighs and actually sits up, "What I'll do for you," he complains, Minho snorts, watching him lead the way.

"You meant for my ass," he slaps Changbin's butt pretty hard for emphasis, and the man groans in pain while he giggles.

Minho kisses Changbin good-bye, orders him to come back safe like usual, and closes back the door. His work is in an hour, so he has time for now.

Taking his phone, he sees Christopher had sent him another bunch of messages.

From : Unknown

Oh !!!!!!

Hi hi hi !

I didn't get the wrong number

Well I guess it can be that too haha

I just called a random number

And it fell on you ! 😄

Minho stares.

Is the guy dumb or something ?

To : Unknown

Do I know you ?

Christopher is already typing.

Minho doesn't know why he's curious now.

From : Unknown

I mean no, but you have my name now !

I just thought we could be friends ?

What do you think ???

Minho isn't so curious anymore. He's clearly talking to a kid.

To : Unknown

sorry not possible

I don't befriend weird kiddos

From : Unknown

I'm not a weird kid

I'm 25 ! 😢

Minho snorts, stopping himself from rolling his eyes.

To : Unknown


send some proof

and I'll believe you

There's no dots showing he's typing and he smirks. It's so easy to tease a kid. It had been fun but now he needs to watch his favorite show before starting his day.

But his phone buzzes again.

From : Unknown

How do I send proof ?

Minho raises an eyebrow, typing back.

This guy's clearly a weird kid. He never had a phone or something ?

Poor thing.

To : Unknown

never had a phone ?

send me a picture of yourself

The dots appear, then disappear.

Minho waits, turning on the TV, comfortable on his couch, yet he can't stop glancing at his phone.

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