Chapter 7

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  The doctor let out a long sigh, swirling the mug he was holding around, steam from his freshly brewed coffee coming out of it.

  Fortunately, there hadn't been any major accidents that had happened during the festival so far. The only patients he had for the past several days since the festival began were people with the common cold, some coming here with a few broken bones and people who had a bad case of a stomach ache from overeating the street food at the festival.

  Oh, and for some reason, many lost children ended up in front of his clinic during the days of the festival. He would compliment the parents for finding them quickly but they wouldn't have gotten lost if the parents hadn't lost them in the place.

  "So far, no patients have come here, which is a good thing," he muttered to himself while swirling his mug around mindlessly. He sat in his office, bored out of his mind. A sigh escaped from his lips before beginning to drink his coffee. "If only something interesting ever happens to me, it'd definitely make my life more exciting-"


  "Sir Jason!"

  He almost spat out his coffee upon hearing shouting his name coming from outside his room.

  Who on earth was screaming his name this late at night?!

  He frantically got up from his seat, a few droplets of his coffee spilling out of his mug when he placed it on his desk carelessly.

  "What's the matter- OH MY GOD!"

  It was fortunate that he wasn't holding his mug, or else he would have dropped it from pure shock, shattering it to pieces.

  It had been a while since he had last met the young lady who Andrei brought into his clinic a few months ago. He would have greeted her with open arms if it weren't for the fact that she had an unconscious man in her arms who was bleeding out profusely.

  "Please," Myra panted, her body trembling. She looked at the doctor with desperate eyes. "Please help him."


  A few hours had passed since she barged into the doctor's clinic.

  If there was a clock hanging up on the clinic's wall, she would probably have heard it ticking or stocking, drowning out the sound of her rapid heart beating.

  Myra paced back and forth nonstop in front of the patients' ward of the clinic. The door was closed but she knew that inside, Jason spent hours trying his best to patch the man she brought here up. The outfit she wore was stained in blood, though the blood did not belong to her.

  It didn't matter to her that her favourite outfit to wear was ruined. She could always wash the blood off.

  No. What worried her the most was the unconscious man in that room with Jason right now.

  'Sir Anastacius de Alger Obelia... I can't believe this is how I meet him for the first time,' Myra thought while running her fingers through her hair. She barely registered the fact that sweat was rolling off the back of her neck. 'By finding him out in the open already unconscious! I can't believe this...'

  Was this why her creator decided to send Myra to this town instead of the imperial palace? To find a bleeding-out Anastacius on a random night in a random alleyway? Was this her plan all along?

  'This is making my head hurt.' Myra closed her eyes and pressed her fingers against her temples. 'Does that mean the boss was waiting for me to save him this whole time? But Sir Andrei could have asked me to send Sir Jason's food on any day. If it weren't for that, I'd never find out about him. And someone else entirely could've helped him out instead... Is this a coincidence? Or is it pure chance?'

Nursing the Overthrown Emperor Back to Health // WMMAP fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now