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El sat next to Maxs bedside, watching her every move. Her hands stuck in a tight embrace with Maxs. Joyce had told El that breathing is what calms you down. To do it whenever she felt distressed or sad..or angry. And frankly these past few days that's become something that happens regularly. El keeps track of every breath she's taking, scared that if she doesn't she'll spiral into another breakdown. She wouldn't want to do anything like that in front of max.

"Hey El, me and Steve are going to head off, want a ride home?" Robin asked, hesitantly stepping into the room.

The girl sat down next to El and looked at max. She grabbed Els hand with a firm grasp, making the brunette look at her. El finally revealed the bags under her eyes and dried tear stains on her cheeks.

"I know it's not easy but she'll make it out. She's mad fucking max for crying out loud. Look...max is tough, she's had to deal with a bullshit excuse of a family for years. And mikes crap."

At that, El grinned. A tired one, one that looked worn out but at least she smiled. She hardly ever smiled anymore, nothing could make her happy. Even if it was Will making her favourite eggos or hopper doing everything he could to make up for the time apart. They both got up and left the desolate, grossly clean room.


The teachers word started to sound like they were merging together, creating a jumbled mess that El couldn't understand. She was half asleep and entirely sick of this class. She had no interest in English (maybe that was because she was bad at it). So it surprised her when on this boring day, the principal burst through the door asking for her. And as she saw Joyce outside of the school wearing a face of stress El knew it would be bad. Joyce was hardly ever stressed and when she was she'd never show it.

"Max...she's awake."

And those words would change Els life. Her face dropped, legs already having the instinct to run at that name. So she did, but not away. She ran to the car door and opened it, getting in.

When they arrived El wasted no time running into the hospital, not even bothering to check in because she knew Joyce would. As she burst into the room she saw Robin, Steve, Nancy and the party all in the room. She also saw a disorientated max, looking around with furrowed eyebrows.

"Max! Max you're awake, are you ok?" El blurted out.

Then max looked at her with a look El had never seen. She couldn't make out what she was thinking.

"Who are you...?"

El was shocked. Her eyes blew wide as she tried to comprehend how max couldn't remember her.

"I-I'm your friend! Your best friend! How could you not remember me."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement, a statement full of hurt. Everyone could hear how Els voice broke, she was trying to keep her composure.

"Look El she's just a bit confused, she has just woken u-." Robin tried to explain.

"No! No she can't- she can't forget me!"

El stormed out of the room, Nancy and Robin following behind. They found her pacing in the waiting area, the grip on her head strong enough to pull out hair. Maybe that's what the brunette wanted. Robin came up to her and gently placed her hand on Els shoulder. The girl flinched. She was losing composure, trying so hard to breathe and calm herself down but every time she closed her eyes el saw max. Max with the confusion in her eyes as her voice echoed 'who are you' over and over again.

"Hey hey, calm down. It'll all be fine, we just need to-." Robin tried, she really did.

"No, it wont be fine! Stop telling me that! Nothing is fine! Just go away!"

El ran this time. And not to the car, she ran away. Into the woods, remembering the way to the old cabin. She ran until her lungs burnt and her legs nearly gave out. The cabin was just in sight as she walked the rest of the way, hoping no one would be there.

She opened the cabin door, nostalgia washing over her. If anything, the red couch looked like the only thing that was standing. She settled on the couch, her eyes growing heavy.

A/N the funny thing is when i start writing its great but then its like my brain melts as i go so im sorry if it gets boring lol. Hope yall enjoy:)

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