Monsters Unleashed!

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Daphne, Velma, and Gwen head into the tunnel while Fred, Ben, and Kevin walked up some stairs and to go down another direction, leaving Shaggy and Scooby behind. "Psst. Scooby-Doo. We're the ones that found this place. Score one for the big guys!" Shaggy cheers, followed by Scooby. "Now we need to keep acting like mondo-groovy detectives. Come on, Scoob." Shaggy says. "Rokay." Scooby replies.

As they were looking around, Shaggy trips on something and looks back but unknowingly steps on a switch, revealing a machine of sorts. The two look and see it is some kind of device and walk up to it. A panel getting their attention. "Like, wow-ee." Shaggy says. He presses a button that makes a beeping noise, sounding like music. Scooby joins in as they both smile, "Cool! Like, 'tuneage'." Shaggy says.

Scooby and Shaggy enjoy themselves as they break into a rap song and press more buttons on the panel. But they fail to realize that the device was turning the costumes into monsters. One by one, the costumes had been transformed and cocoon-like pods lower down by a conveyer belt and are placed onto the ground. The pods open and Zombie moans, gaining Shaggy and Scooby's attention. "Like, what's that weird sound?" Shaggy asks.

He and Scooby stop playing with the panel and turn around, only to become horrified at what they see. "Captain Cutler!" Scooby exclaims. "Miner 49er!" Shaggy exclaims too. "The Tar Monster! We remain...calm." Shaggy says, trying his best not to freak out. But Scooby screams in terror. "Calm, Scooby-Doo! You're not being calm!" Shaggy screams, freaking out. Scooby smacks him to make him calm down, "I needed that." Scooby smacks Shaggy again, "I needed that, too," then Scooby punches Shaggy in the face. "You're pushing your luck, Scoob!"

With finding nothing, both the girls and the guys exit out of the tunnels and back to the main room, "You girls find any...thing." Fred asks, but then becomes shock by all the real monsters as well as the others. "Oh man." Ben breathes out.

"He did it!" Scooby points the finger at Shaggy. "Scoob!" Shaggy says, offended, but then the two scream. "Guys, disconnect the control panel! Maybe it'll stop the machine!" Velma exclaims. Ben quickly dials and slams down the Omnitrix, turning into Crashhopper. He jumps to the control panel as Fred and Kevin follow after, not noticing the grates on the walkway they were on gave out a little as they rush ahead.

Ben grabs the control panel and rips it out of the machine as Fred and Kevin slide down the stair railings. Ben tosses the panel like a frisbee and Fred catches it. Kevin quickly covers himself in metal from one of the pillars and shields Fred from Miner 49er's fire breath. Then Captain Cutler pulls out his harpoon gun and aims it at them. Zombie covers his ears and ducks down as Cutler fires. Fred pushes Kevin down and rolls over Zombie's back, barely avoiding the harpoons.

Gwen changes into her Anodyte form and shoots mana disks at the monsters, protecting Velma and Daphne. "Come on, this way!" Shaggy exclaims, as he and Scooby run to the hole in the wall. "The elevator! Hurry!" Ben says, landing on Cutler and hopping off, making the ghost dizzy. The others follow after them, avoiding being grabbed by the Tar Monster.

As they all made it out of the Monster Hive and into the lab to get to the elevator, the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost appears, nearly electrocuting them. "The Ten Thousand Volt Ghost!" Shaggy exclaims. Ben slams on the Omnitrix and transforms into Water Hazard and sprays water at it. The electrical ghost did not like that and tried to electrocute him, but Gwen summoned a shield and protected him.

They get onto the elevator with everyone else as they go up. "We're gonna die!" Shaggy screams. "Think positive!" Daphne exclaims. "We're gonna die quickly!" Shaggy exclaims back. "Wait for me!" The Ten Thousand Volt Ghost calls out creepily with a sinister smile, recovering from Ben's attack.

It enters a light bulb and travels through the power-line and makes its way to the elevator. Thankfully, the elevator made it to the top and everyone got off as the sparky ghost appears. Everyone backs away from it but the Skeleton Men appear from behind them and jump out to make their presence. Making everyone scream and split up into two groups. But as the two try to chase after them, they bumped into one another and the green-eye skeleton's upper torso got knocked off. Scooby let a scream and runs off in the direction of Shaggy and Ben. The red-eye skeleton picks up his partner's upper torso and puts him back on his legs, albeit upside-down.

Scooby-Doo x Ben 10: Monsters Unleashed Where stories live. Discover now