Caught... Maybe?

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   Recap:  "At least we made it in one piece" Naruto whispered. Then his stomache grumbled I looked at him realizing I was starving too

 "l-lets go to the kitchen" I said, planning to check if the onigiri I made yesterday was still in the fridge as I opened the door I turned and saw... Hanabi right infront of me, arms crossed.

   POV 3rd Person
Hinata kicked her leg back and hit Naruto's stomache. "H-hey, Hanabi whats up?" She stammered, Naruto muffed a groan, but got the message. He backed away from the door, and Hinata shut it, locking him in with the Himawari, he sighed and looked around the room.

  The room was pretty, in girl standards, the walls were a light lavender color and Hinata had a nice window seat, with pillows that looked handmade. Naruto's gaze drifted to a white journal with a purple strap resting on the windowsill. 

He walked up to open it, but Himawari groaned and mumbled. "Big brother, I think dad's too busy to join us for dinner." She shifted and dangled one of her legs on the side of the bed, but kept sleeping, Naruto sighed in relief, then froze when the door opened. 

Hinata stepped in with 2 plates filled with delicious smelling food. She changed into a black shirt and grey sweatpants. Hinata's eyes roved the room and when she spotted her journel she sighed. She walked over to Naruto and gave him a plate, but pushed the journel under a pillow when he wasn't looking.

  "Thanks Hinata" He said gratefully, diving into the rice and curry.

   "Mhm." She hummed softly as she ate.

  "What happened with Hanabi" Naruto asked over a mouth full.

  Hinata laughed slightly. "W-well t-turns out she was sleepwalking. We're lucky Hanabi was sleeping though if she caught me..." She shivered thinking of all the teasing Hanabi would do and the things Neji would say.

   "Well, let's just be glad she didn't" Naruto said emptying his plate, Hinata sighed and glanced at his plate.

  "N-Naruto, you have to leave." She said, standing up and opening the window.

  "But I didn't get any water." He complained.

   "No, if they catch me with you I'll be in big trouble." She interrupted, she started blushing once she realized what she said. It sounded like something you would hear in a soap opera, still she opened the window wider so he could leave.
    Naruto sighed but still put his plate on top of her's, he stood. "Well thanks for the food. Would you meet me at my house sometime tomarrow with the girl?" Naruto said looking fondly at Himawari and rubbed the back of his head. 

Hinata smiled knowingly she liked Himawari a lot too, she nodded as Naruto jumped out the window. Hinata watched him leave, sighing she closed the curtain and climbed in bed with Himawari who was snoring soundly. Hinata soon fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

   POV Hanabi
   I kept hearing soft voices in my big sister's room, I wonder who they were? I'll have to ask the morning though, I am way too tired to get up.

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