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It has been a month and a half since The Olsen-Stan Christmas Party!

The Olsen- Stan family have been celebrating New Year Eve together as a family for the first time ever.

Eliana was getting better from her trauma.

Her relationship with her parents are getting stronger day by day. They are seriously the cutest family ever and Eliana is really grateful for fate right now.

Having a parent that was always there with her, the family that was always there with her too and her friends too.

She was having the best time of her life after everything that had happened last year.

So, right now, you wonder what the family is doing?

They are currently busy with Lizzie and Sebby's wedding preparation!


And also Mama's birthday too.

So, the Olsen- Stan family was now very busy. Especially Mama. Because this is her wedding. Her first and she prays to god to be her last. So this wedding has to be perfect from the beginning until the after-party.

"Why can't we have a donut instead of a cake for the wedding?" Elia asks begrudgingly, seated in the middle of her Mama and Mama Scarly, taste tasting Mama's wedding cake.

Lizzie and Scarlett just laugh at the teen. They know Elia didn't like this kind of thing but she wants to be there for her Mama.

"Good question. Traditionally, wedding cakes are made to bring good luck to the guests and the couple" Scarlett answered

"But I've just googled it and it says that nowadays they are more of a centerpiece to the wedding and not even being served. Are we not gonna serve the wedding cake to the guests then, Mama?" Elia asks, looks up from her phone. "Because if not, that's a complete waste. It's better if you get sugar glazed donut other than this huge cake that nobody gonna eat"

Lizzie just playfully rolls her eyes at her daughter's antics. Of course this girl will want a sugar glazed donut. She's such a sweet tooth.

"We'll give it to the guests, Baby. Don't worry there'll be no waste on that day happening" Lizzie assured her daughter.

"So, how's the chocolate cake taste? We have the Nutella one if you don't like this one" The bakers that are gonna bake the cake for Sebastian and Lizzie's wedding day asks.

"Ooooh, Nutella! Can we put some Biscoff too?" Elia lit up for the first time ever in the 1 hour she's been with her Mama and Scarlett.

Lizzie and Scarlett glance at each other with their eyebrows raised in amusement seeing how this girl loves sweet things!

Despite not liking too much sugar, the 2 women just look at the bakers in question to fulfill Elia's request. As long as Elia was happy, they would happily do it.


"You know you could stay with Daddy while me and your Aunts settle things for the wedding right?" Lizzie asks in Elia's bed for their nightly routine before the girl falls asleep.

Elia was like usual, resting on her stomach as she snuggled close to her Mama to fall asleep. Mama hands were on the girl's back, rubbing it softly as usual too.

"Just wanna be with you, though. It's about your big day" Elia cracks open her eyes as she pouts to look at Mama.

"Baby, as long as you're in the wedding, next to me at the wedding day is more than enough" Lizzie replied softly as she chuckles at her daughter's adorableness

"But it's the preparation that's important too so that you can look back and think,'' Ah, we did that together for this wedding to be perfect. Don't you think so?" Elia argues quietly

"Okay then, how about this, you can stay at home with Daddy tomorrow. I'll finish everything tomorrow then we can spend our family day together until the wedding day before Daddy and I have to leave this cutie to go on a honeymoon for a week?" Lizzie compromised because as much as she loves having her daughter by her eyesight all the time, she knows Elia was bored out of her mind because she's still a teenager.

And also Lizzie and Sebby have to leave the girl for a week to Grammie because Elia insists on them going for a honeymoon right after the wedding because after that they'll be so busy with work.

"Ah, thank god" Elia muttered hoping Mama wouldn't hear it but they are too close snuggling together.

"Cheeky Baby!" Lizzie gasps upon hearing it and digs her fingers to the girl's side and tickles her, making Elia laugh and erupt the room.

"Hey! This is not fair having a tickle fight without me" Daddy's voice sounded from Elia's doorway making both of his girls turn around to see him standing there with amused smiles on his face

"Well, I was just telling the princess over here that tomorrow she could stay with Daddy while Mama settles everything tomorrow and then we can have our family day till the wedding day before we have to leave her for a week" Lizzie said, continuing rubbing the girl's back as Elia catch up with her breathing

Sebby then went to the bed and lay next to the other side of the girl where Mama's not there.

"Ooo, we have Daddy- daughter day tomorrow!" Sebby cheers next to Elia while Elia grins and giggles excitedly

Lizzie just smiles looking at the love of her life in front of her. She was about to marry the man in front of her and they have a daughter together too.

An amazing daughter who has the biggest heart despite everything that has happened to her.

"I hope I don't get a call from the ER tomorrow" Lizzie warns, making the 2 of them let out a boisterous laugh at the mother.

"Don't worry. I'll be responsible tomorrow and not make you have a heart attack before your wedding day, yeah?" Elia says softly as she takes each side of her parents hands and interlocks it with hers.

Lizzie and Seb exchanged smiles above the girl's head

"That's all I ask for. Thank you, Baby" Lizzie exclaimed as she kissed the top of Elia's head.

"I'm responsible too, you know" Seb said teasingly

Elia just hummed in response making Seb huffed in annoyance knowing his daughter was trying to mess with him too.

"You are, Daddy. You both manage to keep me breathing. That says a lot you know" Elia replied sleepily and bluntly too, making both parents scrunch their faces at their daughter's bluntness.

"Good night Mama, good night Daddy. I love you in every universe, okay?"

The parents just huffed their laugh. Yeah, that girl intends to be so blunt when she's sleepy.

"Good night Eli- bells. I love in every universe, my darling" The parents replied as they kissed the girl's cheek.

Ever since Elia watched her Mama's movie and discover that 'I love you in every universe' saying, she's saying that a lot to both of them because for her, she believe in the multiverse and no matter in any other universe whether she's her parents daughter or not, she loves them so much. 


AAAhh and our comfort family has entered the chat! My god, it's been a while guys! I missed Elia and Mama Lizzie so much! <3! 

HAPPINESS WE SEEK FORजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें