Chapter 17.

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"I....really, really like you." For a moment, I thought the 'L' word will be involved. "Oh, okay." I smile and head to the door. Guilt must have washed over him because he calls out to me.

" I can't take this anymore..." He groans and I sit beside him. "What's wrong?"

"I want to say something....but it Won't come out..."

"Just say it." Curiosity for him builds throughout my body as I wait for a respond or a word to come out of his mouth.

" you." He whispers. It seems like the world stopped rotating, and the air just magically left the room, I liked him, but not until now that I realized I felt the same, this whole time I thought it was a overwhelming like that I felt, but it's stronger then when you just like someone.

His face goes into stress as he waits for something—-anything—-to leave my mouth. I don't know what to say back, I want to say I love him, become cinderella for a second but nothing leaves my mouth.

"Say something, anything please." He begs desperately. The look in his eyes aren't just stress but curiosity, the way his facial features seem to become sadder and sadder by the minute, the guilt starts to wash my nervous state away.

"I—" I try to say.

"You don't love me do you?" The sad look in his eyes crushes my heart into a million pieces. The embarrassment in his eyes also mix along with the sad looks. The way I see him like this finally seems to awaken my speaking ability.

"Of course I love you." I finally let out. The looks in his eyes washes away, and I feel a huge weight be lifted off of my chest. Hailey is going to bug me about this, I can tell already.

{Shorter, but it took me like fifteen minutes to finally write the chapter because of spell check, anyone know how to possibly turn it off, is it a option?}

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