Chapter 13.

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After I ate the dinner Harry cooked, he made cookies. "Your not bad." I praise him and he smiles. "Learn from the best." His eyes glitter at me and I smile. I've missed him honestly, who wouldn't miss Harry?

But then everything floods faster into my mind then a tsunami, Nadine. He's still with her. This makes my appetite twist and finally ridden. "I'm to full for dessert." I lie and hand my cookie to Hailey, which is devoured in a second. I walk to my bedroom and I hear footsteps after me.

When I reach my room, I turn around to meet the eyes of Harry. "Why are you following me?" I ask. "Well, it's just that you seem a little upset." He says. "I am, okay, your still with Nadine and--"

"Woah, Kadie," He sits next to me. "Don't worry about that at all, do you want a paparazzi questioning, 'Why did you dump Nadine?' and I can't have you being from a normal girl to Harry's next mystery girl." He smiles. "But I am going to dump her soon, as soon as I can get the courage to deal with paparazzi and Nadine." He smiles.

I lean in towards him. He's caught off guard but he doesn't flinch back. Our lips meet again and the sweet mint taste is indescribable.

I just realized something, is he being a pedophile? Cause that would be weird.

I've missed this, him, and this time I'm not remembering the bad. He seems to miss me, since I can literally feel the hunger in his lips.

(Do u watch pewdiepie? Because when he says what the fuck it's really loud, well, when I wrote that hunger sentence, literally what the fuck went through my mind)

He pulls back. Out of breath, he smiles.

(Oh and I'm probably murdering y'all with A/N, but when I put WMYB Harry in the cover, he doesn't look like this in the story, he's got that quiff. Have u seen the interview he did with Zoella? With the chubby bunny challenge? That's exactly how I imagine him, if he is young like he is in WMYB it would tip off the too young to love Harry Styles setting, that was a long one)

He smiles at me one more time before leaving the room to go to bed. He's got to return tomorrow, but if I awaken when he does, I can ask him when he has another break. It's like I forgotten what he did to me, maybe the kiss was planned. I don't think he could get that heartless.

I didn't expect it when the first time happened though, and it was like a wrecking ball going through a wall. I jump into my bed and fall asleep with the idea on my mind.


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