Chapter 6

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(Read this while listening to the song, it's so good, rumor has it that Harry wrote it for a mystery girl---cough---taylor Swift---cough--)

No sparks went off like it would with Harry. Louis is better then Harry, a little. I close my eyes. Next thing I know, I am pulled away from Louis unexpectedly.

Harry stands there, enraged. He grabs my wrist and leads me outside. "What are you doing?" I asked, struggling in his grip. He shouldn't be angry with me, he first of all kisses me, then calls me out for my age.

Who does that?

"Why were you kissing Louis?" He tries to keep his voice calm and moderate. "To live a little, Styles, what? Don't like it? You don't own me." I say. I drunk a couple of drinks, not alcohol, like soda, and danced alot, I do feel alive.

His breathing goes faster.

"Go back to---who is she?----Oh Kendall Jenner." I sigh and cross my arms.  He rolls his eyes. I take a breath. "Louis is taking me home." I sigh and walk back but Harry grabs me and turns me around.

"I'll take you..." He says and my heart flutters, but I quickly go back to my sassy attitude and my composure.

"What about Kendall? Or Nadine?" I hiccup. He smiles at the small hiccup. "Tonight I came to forget about Nadine, and Kendall, she's a friend." He says.

My legs shake a little. The breeze blows and I suddenly become cold. Lovely.

"You cold, Baby Girl?" The way he calls me baby girl makes my stomach twist and my face is probably blushing, and it's cold outside so it should be pale.

I repeat: Lovely.

"A tiny bit." I laugh and he takes off his coat and wraps it around me. "You don't have to do this." I whisper.

"I know I don't, but I want to." He says and I feel like mush. Why is he so jealous over a kiss with Louis?


"Your jealous, aren't you?" I tease.

"What--No!" He defends and I laugh. "His lips were so soft.." I whisper and he covers his ears. "La-La-La-La!" He drowns out my torment.

 "I'm sleepy." I say and walk inside. Perrie agreed to let me sleep in the guest room. Harry follows and I mentally smile. "I'll sleep on the floor." He says.

"You don't have to." I say and he shrugs while climbing on the bed.

I close my eyes.

Minutes later, I hear him whisper

"You deserve better."

My heart stops. I look over and he is fast asleep. Oh, he talks in his sleep. I stand. I call Hailey.

"What's up?" She answers and I tell her what Harry said. "Oh my gosh." She says. I hang up when we're done and I look back at Harry, who is adorable in his sleep. I slowly crawl in bed next to him, and when I do, his arm wraps around me and pulls me closer.

Take that, Nadine.

(Shorter but I'm hungry)

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