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"Jiang Cheng POV " (All the thoughts in this chapter are from Jiang Cheng)

Jiang Cheng was sure 'he will kill Wei Wuxian...'

First, he disappear and he can't find him in the library where he was supposed to be!

And then he comes with the biggest among of disrespect in a room with Clan Leader Lan and Grandmaster Lan dragged, in the process the Second Young Master of the Lan Clan!

'Ah dammit, his stupid senior brother...'

'Bringing shame in their Sect!'

But even before he yelled at Wei Wuxian enough for his behavior, it became something he didn't quite understand... Wei Wuxian starts to act like other people, and his eyes became red is this RESENTFUL ENERGY?!

Then Lan Wangji say " Wei Ying !" and the both of them (Wangxian) stood looking into each other eyes for almost a minute but before Jian Cheng snaps to Wei Wuxian to explain immediately, both of them nob like they came to an understanding and Wei Wuxian frow a talisman from his sleeve in the direction of Sect Leader Lan, Grandmaster Lan, and Jiang Cheng froze them in place.

Wei Wuxian ' that bastard who didn't even spare them a glance when he froze them' looks over at Lan Wangji with big worried eyes running like lighting grabs the book he wanted to reach before everything turns weird and flies to Lan Wangji with inhuman speed.

Now that Jiang Chen look at Lan Wangji he saw his shoulder stiff his poster even perfect has lost its elegance and easiness and that red in his back was BLOOD?!

Wei Wuxian completely ignored them ' the bastard' start saying some weird thing in a quiet voice that some words were barely strong enough to reach Jiang Cheng, but every sentence was able to send massive waves of spirituality and resentful?! energy in the room.

Wei Wuxian "Heal... injust... the crack ...core... whip mark... innocent.. wrong of the Lan Clan... heal the gasp of time ... take the pain ..."

When Wei Wuxian stops he seems to calm down and at the same time Lan Wangji seems to take back his elegance and perfect calm posture 'like the stone of a person that he was'.

Now looking at them, frozen in place from this 'stupid' talisman 'bastards both of them' they (Wangxian) share another of this long look that seam like they speak and understand each other... 'and after a moment they finally decide that they still exist other people in the room and look at them'.

Lan Wangji always has the same face and just looks at them together with a serious?! Wei Wuxian ' Jiang Cheng didn't know that he could look serious' they say " We have time travel from 24 years in the future"

But before Jiang Cheng processes the nonsense that comes out of Wei Wuxian's mouth Lan Wangji continues by saying " And we are married!"


Jiang Cheng feels the headache and his brain shell suicide altogether!

Wei Wuxian " So now I know that you don't believe us, so me and Lan Zhan, my dear husband * he winks in Lan Wangji* decide to show you our memory from this time and the year that will come..."

Lan Wangji *with the slightest tips of his ears red* " We will transport you and some other people to a place where we will show you what happened"

Wei Wuxian "And as long you doing this we will deal with the problems that will come... Oh and because it's the first time I test this kind of work that shows memories please do me a favor and if something became too personal stop looking" the last part was made in a calm but dangerous and threatening tone that send silver in the spine of Jian Cheng.

So before Jiang Cheng processes what happening the world fades dark with his last thought being ' Damit Wei Wux-'

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