What happens to you two?

875 29 5

 Bold: POV and any memory that will be shown

'Italic with a single quotation': Thoughts of people 

"two quotations": Its what people say  


 ( In the middle of the year in the lecture to the Cloud Recesses, when Wei Wuxian has punishment to copy the rule under Lan Wangji's supervision) 

"Lan Xichen POV "  (All the thoughts in this chapter are from Lan Xichen )

Lan Xichen was coming to his uncle to greet him like every day at this time of the day. 'Wangji has to supervise that cheerful, loud disciple from the Yunmeng Sect. How good would it be if they became friends! Wangji needs a friend ... I have years to see him smile or have fun with anyone, the last time was when he was 6 years ...'

Lan Xichen knocks on the door of the Orchid room and waits to tell him to come inside.

Lan Qiren, from inside, " Come"

Lan Xichen comes inside, and smiles at his uncle " Good morning Uncle ", sits at the table across from his uncle and pure tea into a cup " How are you uncle? "

Lan Qiren " Good, Xichen. *he takes a sip of the tea* Do you know where is Wangji? "

Lan Xichen " You don't say to him to supervise the punishment of the head disciple of the Yunmeng Sect, Wei Wuxian? "

Lan Qiren " Ah, *frows* yeah. You are right. That troublemaker *sight* is the same as his mother! "

Lan Xichen, with a smile " Don't be so tough uncle. It can be that Wei Wuxian doesn't like to follow the rules, but he seems a good kid and I have seen him approach Wangji, as no one has done before. That maybe is a good chance to Wangji to start to make friends! "

Lan Qiren, frown displeased " The best for Wangji would be to not be affected by the unruly behavior of that troublemaker "

Before Lan Xichen say anything to his uncle the door knocked and came inside the heir of Yunmeng Sect, Jiang Cheng ?

Jiang Cheng bows with respect " Master Lan, Sect Leader Lan. Sorry for the distraction but I am looking for my brother and I don't find him in the library. "

Lan Qiren frown " He isn't in the library ?! "

Lan Xichen asks with the slightest frown and worry " And Wangji isn't there either? "

Jiang Cheng " No one is here. "

But before someone say something else the door opened and came inside Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, with Wei Wuxian holding the hand of Wangji, he drag him slightly and Wangji just let himself be dragged. 'What happening? Wangji hates physical contact with anyone! Only I can touch him, without freezing and quickly pull away! But now he let Wei Wuxian touch him and dragged? him without any problem! And he just came inside without knocking or bowing?!'

Lan Wangji stops Wei Wuxian and speak, ignoring the presence of anyone in the room, who looks quite surprised, " Wei Ying, calm down. You don't have to be in such a rush. Everything is fine." ' When start Wangji call Wei Wuxian by his birth name!?'

Wei Wuxian, who has stopped from the person who dragged, looks to Lan Wngji with disbelieve " Yes, very fine. You and I are 16 years old, with me to be to my body ! I have a golden core together with my power and somehow chenqing! " exclamed, " And you,*he points in Wangji* Lan Zhan, have a golden core which shouldn't be in this body! And now have a crack that let the spiritual power free in you body, slowly killing you! " say Wei Wuxian irritated but with very much worry in his eyes.

'What ?! What body? Why he have to say that he have golden core, when he has not? What power? Who/What is chenqing? And more important WHY IS HE SAYING THAT MY BROTHER IS DYING?' Worried and surprise start to overwhelm Lan Xichen who doesn't know what to think with all of this who hear. Lan Xichen looks at his Uncle and Jiang Cheng, who seems to be the same puzzled and confused.

On the other side, Lan Wangji looks collected and calm, but seeing the worry in the eye of Wei Wuxian with a soft look 'Xichen doesn't have the slightest idea why' say " Wei Ying everything will be fine! I will be fine " and he smiles a little with a reassuring smile ' Xichen has officially lost it ... even if he feels a soften and joy of the sight of the smile in his little brother face', tightens a little the hand of Wei Wuxian. Shocking the audience even more, the three of them was in entire shock with their mouth hung open.

Wangji just smiles?! Does my brother just smile?! thought Lan Xichen with shock mixed with happiness

Wei Wuxian who seems to have calmed down from the smile, close his eyes, takes a breath and when he opens his eyes he sees Jiang Cheng and Lan Qiren in shock, he smiles, mischief and amusement in his eyes " Lan Zhan. I think you broke them ! " and when he was ready to laugh, he sees Lan Xichen and frown, sending a murderous glance to Lan Xichen who seems to send silver in his spine. 'Why did Wei Wuxian send me that glance and not his usual smile ?! What I have done to him?'

Jiang Cheng, who came first from the shock, yells irritated " WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU TWO ? "

Lan Qiren was irritated too, yells * in the volume that allows the rules* " WEI WUXIAN! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE AGAIN ?! Why are you not in the library copying and you are here spouting nonsense? And you Wangji, what is the meaning of all this? "

Lan Xichen, more calm but firm " And most important, Young Mater Wei, what do you mean when you say that Wangji is dying?" say quite with a worry and little tight smile.

When Wei Wuxian hears Lan Xichen, forgot every intention to answer the questions that the others have asked. With a deep frown, Wei Wuxian go to the deep part of the Orchid room where is the second part of the Prohibited Library, where only Sect Leader Lan and very few people are allowed to go (and knowns that it is).

When Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen see where he goes they start to protest, even if the library it's hidden and he can find her that's not mean that anyone without permission can go when he wants .

But before go stop Wei Wuxian and demand an explanation for this bizarre and outrageous behavior they froze in shock. Wei Wuxian Open the hidden library with so much easiness!

Wei Wuxian starts to look for the book he wants. His eyes beam with happiness and he smiles when he finds the book who he looking for. But before going and catch it, a hand grab him by his wrist. He turns to look and he sees Lan Xichen grab his wrist and look at him with surprised and demanding answers eyes.

And that was like that it was the last drop from the glass. Wei Wuxian's eyes from silver became deep red and he seems very angry. Dark, deep like smock, resentful energy surrounds the room and everyone ( except Lan Wangji ) starts to tremble from fear, and became difficult to breath.

Lan Xichen who has grab the wrist of Wei Wuxian, let him go and takes two stapes back in shock and fear. All of his thought froze and he look at the scary sight of Wei Wuxian in front of him. 'Resentful Energy?!'

Wei Wuxian "YOU DARE TO STOP ME?!" says with a cold and loud tone, with his red eyes becoming deeper red with hatred, who makes those who saw it tremble even more.

See that things have lost every control, Lan Wangji says with study, demanding but soft voice " Wei Ying !"

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