Billboard- now then, the UA Sports Festival is getting closer as it's only been a week since school has started up again, make sure or reserve your tickets now before their all gone, in other news....

Neptune- oh, so USJ hasn't happened yet, I could make an appearance, though I'd be a vigilante, oh they would be cool the CPU Vigilantes maybe I'll do that!

Not wasting much time Neptune looked around trying to find a shop that would sell things which could be used as healing items or hopefully Plans to create them and buy them on her Nep-Pad of a shop feature is added

She ran around with many people staring at her bizarre sense of clothes with the whole brand of Neptune but she just smiled and showed off a little

A little while later she took a break after not finding anything that would work and just decided to look on her Nep-Pad for anything that might help in that department though she did find a few things on it

From the different menu's there was a lot to look through from an encyclopaedia of enemies she's face which was empty to info on her forms and what personalities they get from Iris Hearts sadistic nature to White Hearts angry nature

All info was useful but a sudden explosion caught her attention

Random person- Villain! Call a hero quick!!!

Wasting no time she got up and made sure her Starter Wooden Sword was equipped before rushing to the smoke and explosions

It didn't take long for her to find the villain as it made no attempt to hide and it just caused more chaos as it tried to run away with bags of money that it stole

Neptune- hehe, my first fight! Let's do this Access Purple Heart!

A bright light surrounded Neptune as lines of code covered her making her whole appearance change into a much more mature woman with a skin tight leotard which didn't leave much to the imagination and her wooden sword changed into a much more metal and intimidating sword

The dark colours made her stand out less in the darker areas of the city not that it mattered in the day but her whole appearance was still easy to notice

Quickly Purple Heart flew towards the Villain with her large sword at the ready and it easily took the Villain of guard

Suddenly both of them were stuck in the area while the battle started

Due to Purple Heart attacking first it was a Symbol Attack meaning she got eh first turn and quickly she made her way to the Villains side before starting her attack

A simple combo of different slashes brought the villain down to 72% HP left but as the Villains turn began he tried to run but to only get stopped by an invisible barrier before returning to hit Purple Heart doing 12% damage

Purple Heart- not bad, but it's my turn

Getting a small bit of distance Purple Heart used her first SP ability to attack, Cross Combination

Calling out said attack she easily got in multiple hits sending the Villain down to 2% HP

Quickly said Villain started to beg for mercy causing the battle to end giving Purple Heart EXP sadly not enough to level up

Before any words could be said a Hero finally arrived, it was Ingenium who called out for The Police behind him to arrest the Villain before thanking Purple Heart believing she was a new Hero

Ingenium- nice one, I'm guessing it's your debut?

Purple Heart- yes, I hope to protect the people more, ah, I'm Purple Heart its nice to meet you

The Vigilante CPU'SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora