Chapter 1

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Mia pov
The rain was light sigh coming out of my mouth loving the smell of rain especially in the morning.
It was a light drizzle when I finally went outside the next door neighbor was outside as well watering her flowers "Hello Mia I  like your outfit today."

"Thanks Mrs. Debbie I wish I could talk more but i have to go to work now."
Ms. Debbie is this sweet elderly woman living next door with her husband they are such a sweet couple always bringing food over to me, wave goodbye to her  and get inside my car.

Mia parked in front of her building making sure everything was in place she step out of the car and walked into the building.

A man with ginger hair with freckles on his face is sitting at the front desk looking at his phone as he spoke out in a bored tone. "Welcome to the bad x savage store feel free to look around."

Mia walked up to the desk her long black hair swaying as she walk, waiting for a few minutes for him to noticed her but his eyes was still stuck on his phone not paying attention to his surroundings. Got more annoyed as time passed by until i couldn't take it anymore.
Slammed my hand down with my magic making a big bang sound echo around the store "Fin!" he sat up straight his face scared as hell "Oh hello Mia" fin said nervous seeing the expression on my face. "what the hell are you doing?"
Tapping my nails on the desk, he rub the back of his neck "um well..." Mia scoff, fin defends himself "It's not like people are in the store right now" she rolled her eyes at this boy "That is not the point you are supposed to check the stocks to make sure we have more to place on the shelf if we run out. Come on fin you know this." He let out a sigh "I know sorry mia." Sigh leave my lips "It's okay but just so you know Matt is coming in for work today." he gave me a displeased look, mia laugh
"You can't run from him forever." she said as she walked away from the desk.
Write down some reports and signatures
for the new decorations to bring in the store.
My hand got tired of writing, leaning back into the chair pitching the bridge of my nose looked at my phone seeing the time was 11:30 "Okay the rush hour should be done by now." getting up with my phone step out of the office, she walked down the hallway and enter the front room.
looked around Matt was restocking the lingerie section and fin was sweeping the floor they turn their heads towards my direction "Was everything alright up here?"
Fin and Matt nodded their head "Yeah just restocking the lingerie" Matt said shaking his long black hair Matt is a girl but likes to dress up as a boy and be called He/him which we are okay with because we do not judge around here.
"We got almost a few hours before closing up so keep up the good work."
"Yes miss Jackson." they said together which made me smile at their silliness.
We finally closed up the store for today saying goodbye to Matt and fin i get in my car and headed to la push to visit the blacks
Mia park in front of their house noticed a police car was park near their house
She had a confused look on her face
"What is a police car doing here?" she thought in her head.
Grabbing her purse and get out of her car
Knocking on the door i can hear laughter and a sports game playing loud in the background the door open as a man with short brown hair and dark five o clock shadow shave Beard leaving him with a well trim mustache on his upper lip came in my view with his police uniform on i noticed that it says sheriff on his badge.
"Um hello may i help?" he ask confused of this woman standing in front of billy House. I smiled with my pearly white teeth "Hello I'm Billy friend mia Jackson. May i come in?" He kept staring at me lost in thought wave my hand in front of his face to see if he was still with me, he snapped out of it and stepped aside for me "Thank you." Stepping in the house i see he was taller then me which was a check mark on my list.
Walk further into the house swaying her hips knowing he was trying so hard not to watch. See Billy sip his beer while watching the game bending down to give him a hug "Hey Billy." he smiles "Hey mia your food is in the microwave." he said hugged me back before letting go Billy looked behind me "Oh I see you met Charlie." Turning around so Billy can introduce me formally to him "Charlie this is mia my friend and mia this is Charlie swan my friend and the sheriff." I hold out my hand and he shake my hand awkwardly i chuckled seeing he was a awkward guy.
Getting to know Charlie was good as we watch the game and laugh at the silly moments on TV.
Billy had this knowing smirk on his face but didn't say anything when i said what's up.
Hearing the front door open i knew it was Jacob. Charlie and Billy turn their heads greeting Jacob "hey Charlie, hey dad" he said walking into the kitchen not noticed me that i was on the couch. I had a smirk on my face saying excuse me to the boys i got up and walked into the kitchen ready to scare Jacob while she was going to the kitchen. Charlie ask Billy some questions about her
"Billy.." before he could get the sentence out of his mouth Billy cut him off by saying "yes Charlie she is single" Charlie blushed bright red rubbing the back of his neck "that...that is not..." Billy gave him the look
Not believing him so Charlie turn to the game and sip his beer while blushing.
Meanwhile mia was sneaking up on Jacob
She got real close up to him "hello Jacob" she said in a creepy voice Jacob let out a scream turning around to fight the person until he saw it was just me i laugh so hard on the floor with tears in my eyes Jacob scowled at me and turned back around to the counter "oh come on Jacob" he gave me the silent treatment but final gave in when i gave him the puppy eyes he sigh "Hello Mia."
She smiled "Hello Jacob." giving him a side hug.
Jacob jerk his head to the living room "So i see you met Charlie" leaning against the counter "I did he seem like a nice guy."
He nodded "yeah i was childhood friends with his daughter Bella when she came and visit Charlie" i nodded my head making a note that he has a daughter "Well I'm going back to the living room." Jacob nodded and turned back to heat up his food.
It getting really late said goodbye to Billy and Jacob. Charlie also said goodbye to them as well since he has a early shift in the morning he walked me to my car "Thank you Charlie for walking me to my car." he rub his neck "It's no biggie." I smile at him
"Well i..uh see you later" he was about to walk away but i stop him "wait i wondering  can i get your number?" He quickly turn his head i thought it would snap off "yes! I..mean yes i would like that" we exchanged each other phone numbers then we went separate ways.
Opening my door i feel something brush against my leg "hey spooky" she close the door as she pick up her black cat with blue eyes, hearing a ding go off on her phone it was a text message from Charlie.

Hot sheriff 🚨 hope you got home safely.
Mai smile
Beautiful lady🕯️ yes i did thank you how about you?
Placing spooky down on her bedroom floor
Taking off her suit the moon was shining on her brown skin making her look like a beautiful siren the phone ding again.
Hot sheriff 🚨 i did.
We texted on the phone for a few minutes
Before saying good night to each other.
Taking a shower relaxed me after a long day. Spooky was curled up in a ball on the bed doing my face and body routine then got in bed making the protection seals around the house was on. Mia close her eyes with music playing in the background.
These past few days as been normal as it could be. Me and Charlie has gotten more familiar with each other sighing as a crazy lady tryed to steal from my store we had to call the police and file a restraining order against her. Me and the boys placed the new clothes and products on the shelf
We were finally done a person walked in the store we greeted them "Hello welcome to bad x savage." this person is beautiful with there long blonde hair and pale white skin with brown eyes my magic was going off telling me that this person was not human but i greeted her anyway because i  know she is a Bambi eater.
Fin and Matt gave me the look wondering if she is a vampire I nodded they smile but i could tell they was ready to fight in case things pop off but nothing happened.

She grabbed a few things and went to check out were fin help place them in the bags and gave her the receipt "Thank you for shopping please come again." he said as she left the store. We sigh with relief "Okay i think that was enough excitement for today." they agree with me.
Closing the shop mia walk to the car with fin and Matt "What are you guys going to do tonight." Matt grab fin hand "Well we are going on our date tonight."
"What about you?" Fin asked
Mia shrugged "Probably meditate and watch she-hulk with spooky." they nodded and said goodnight to me.
I am texting Charlie while watching she-hulk spooky is sitting on my stomach making dough with his front paws on my stomach.
Hot sheriff 🚨🤣 there is no way your date bail on you then proceeded to take another girl to that restaurant
Beautiful lady🕯️ yep😅 i played as the heartbroken wife and made his night a living hell.
Hot sheriff 🚨 damn you cold
Beautiful lady🕯️ thank you 😙 so what are you doing right now
Hot sheriff 🚨 eating take out and watching criminal minds
Beautiful lady🕯️ i love that show also you should eat homemade food instead of takeout food
Hot sheriff 🚨 to be honest i can't cook for shit 😭
Beautiful lady🕯️😂
Hot sheriff 🚨 I'm serious one time i placed a can in the microwave almost burn my house down.
Beautiful lady🕯️ aww poor baby maybe i could teach you how to cook
Hot sheriff 🚨 is that a date
Beautiful lady🕯️ to be honest i do not beat around the bush so yes it's a date.
Hot sheriff 🚨 then yes
Beautiful lady🕯️ good🥰
We continue to talk for the rest of the night.

To be continued
Excuse the grammar
Hope you guys like this chapter
Bye ✌️ 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜

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