Author Note

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I am putting this note to explain some changes happening so you know what you're getting into before you begin to read.

1. I am sorry for any inconvenience but this book is currently being heavily edited as I continue to finish writing it. I recently went back and reread everything I had written so far and realized just how juvenile and unrealistic a lot of it was, especially in the beginning. You can visibly see how my writing changed as I wrote chapters over the years. This is mostly because I started writing this when I was 13 and I am now 20. If you are rereading, a lot of this book will be changed completely. Some characters might be different or might not be the same at all and there will be new plot and some previous plot taken out.

2. One of the biggest changes that will be the hardest for me is fixing the POVs and not switching it frequently or maybe even at all. I will also have to fix the tense of the entire book because I went back and forth between tenses a lot, even several times in a single sentence sometimes.

I wanted to let everyone know as a courtesy because I understand some of these changes could upset some people.

The chapters I am done with will be posted soon, thank you if you've stuck with me this long and through all of my breaks through the years.

Thank you for your patience.

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