Chapter 20

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I ground my teeth as Max's text message popped up on my phone. If the guy was seriously going to threaten me with my job again, I would make good on my threat and resign... without an NDA to boot.

Madison. Please come in for a meeting. I think it's time to renegotiate the terms of your contract and expectations of your job.

Business lingo for sure, but it didn't sound like he was planning to fire or sue me. Maybe this was the redefining conversation I'd been waiting for! You never knew with Max, so I'd just have to go in and see where we ended.

I'll be there in an hour, I text back.

Transforming into Madison took a bit of time, but I'd become faster and more efficient over the years. An hour was plenty of time to change, do my wig and makeup, get into town, and maybe pick up a coffee on the way. Max sometimes softened when brought a caffeinated peace offering. I hated the bribery, but it had suited my purposes multiple times.

My stomach twisted into a knot as I went through the routine of becoming Madison. This conversation could make or break my career... and my relationship. If I was given the creative reins I wanted, I could take Kent out of the media's focus and start phasing Madison herself out. If I was sucked into a one-more-project clause, I would reconsider how much I wanted the job. Madison had dominated my career long enough.

I skipped the coffee in the end, opting to go straight into the meeting and get it over with. No delays. The traffic delayed me enough en route, so I parked in the company underground garage and rode the elevator straight to the 7th floor.

Max was on the phone when I entered, but he motioned for me to have a seat anyway. I slumped into one of his oyster gray chairs and waited until he finished. When we finally made real, 'business' eye contact, I could have sworn there was lightning crackling between us.

"I've given a good think over the matter," he stated, leaving back in his chair and tenting his fingers. "I'd rather revise your contract and keep you on staff than lose your over legalities. So here is my offer to you: Let us run the 'Behind Closed Doors' album with Kent Davids as the lead—your photos, course—and then you can take on whatever your projects you want."

I straightened in my chair. "My photos... my choice? I will decide what photos are published?"

Max's jaw twitched for a second. "Well... there are certain parameters that would need to be met."

"I'll give you staged and pre-approved candid shots," I countered. "Take it or leave it."

He squirmed in his chair. "You're not giving me much room to work."

"You're right. I'm not. I won't blackmail or betray my boyfriend, Max. End of story."

He sucked in a breath and stared me down. "Meet me in the middle here, Ally. Ask Kent's approval for a couple juicier photos—just a little something to keep people interested. Do you think you can do that?"

He left an ocean of wiggle room for the definition of 'juicy." I already had five photos in mind that very broadly fit the description, and Kent would have no problem approving them. As long I could manipulate his terms to my own standards, I'd be golden.

"Deal," I finally agreed. "I want to see my new contract before I go ask Kent's approval for photos."

Max grinned and slid a pack of paper across the desk. "Take a look."

I flipped through the pages, focusing on specific areas. 98% creative control: yes. Very loose definition of 'juicy' photos for the BCD album: yes. Reduced quantity per month: yes.

I dug into my purse for my fountain pen to sign my Freedom Document. "I'm so glad we could finally reach an understanding, Max. This circular argument we've been having is absolutely exhausting."

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