Chapter 17

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Never have I been happier by the sound of my phone chirping with a new message. I didn't think that I would become one of those women who giggled or squealed when they got a text from their boyfriend. Yet, here I was diving for my phone as soon as I heard the happy sound.

I sat in a café, enjoying a steaming cup of tea while editing the latest batch of photos from my endeavors. For the first time in ages, I strayed from my usual habits and usual places. It did a person good, honestly, to break from tradition and enjoy a change of scenery. Sometimes the change freshened the mind and renewed one's perspective. I often needed it in order keep getting new ideas. Not to mention that I hadn't done any personal photography of late.

As soon I dug my phone out of my pocket, I smiled at the name on the screen. The text widened my smile further.

I went to Curbside Café, and you weren't there. How can I miss you so much in just one morning? Love, Kent.

I shook my head and hit reply.

I decided to try something new this morning. Believe it or not, I'm having tea at The Bluebird. It's quite nice, actually. You're more than welcome to join me. Love, Ally.

Nearly as soon as I'd sent the message, a new one came in from him. Either he had already been typing, or he was prepared on the fly.

Maybe I will... -the one who loves you.

While he gained plenty of points for being tender and poetic, his vagueness left a few unanswered questions. He hadn't said that he would join me, but yet he didn't give an excuse to not join me. I would just have to wait and see what happened.

For awhile, I occupied myself with my photos. Editing was no small task, and it often required more time than I first imagined. Truthfully, I despised editing. Editing meant taking a perfectly good photo and transforming it into something it usually wasn't. Hence my life-as-it-happens style of photography... I like showing photos just as I saw them, not enhanced into some magical, color-bursting, take-your-breath-away masterpiece.

My phone chirped again, drawing my attention away from my computer screen.

There's a walkway behind the café... a little bridge that goes over the river. Join me? -your love

I bit my bottom lip and quickly packed my laptop into my messenger bag. It should have been a warning sign how addicted I was; he called, I went. Like a moth fluttering around an open flame, I couldn't bear to pull myself away. It was probably only a matter of time before I got burned, but I couldn't stop myself.

I left the café and scurried around to the back of the building. Sure enough, a stone walkway stretched along the back of the café, turned a sharp corner, and arched over the river. Strong, tall trees lined the river, blocking view of the bridge from the walkway. The privacy had probably been used by many young couples over the years. What a thrilling thought that I might join the numbers.

Leaves crunched under my boot as I hurried down the walkway. The weather was turning colder, but it was still pleasant enough to enjoy a walk with only a light jacket or a hoodie. Even today, I sported a lightweight sweater that hung down to my knees.

I reached the bend in the walkway and looked up over the bridge. Kent stood at the top of the arch, hands braced on the railing and gaze focused down the river. The sun cast a nice glow over him and gave him that ultimate 'Hollywood star' look.

He turned his head as I stepped onto the bridge, and his smile shone brighter than the sun. His outstretched hand made me walk a little faster to join him. If a film crew had been around, we wouldn't need to redo the scene because it happened perfectly the first time. I'd never been interested in acting, but I wouldn't mind if moments like this got filmed.

I reached the top of the bridge and set my bag down before taking Kent's hand. He grinned even wider and spun me once. For a moment, we just grinned at each other like silly high school kids. Anyone walking by would either roll their eyes or sigh "aww..." Either way, I didn't mind. Recently, Kent brought a lovesick side of me that pushed reason and propriety out the window.

"Hi." Kent grabbed my other hand and brought both to his lips.

"Hi," I whispered, kind of loving the fact that he could make me blush so easily. He knew full well that physical touch was my weak spot, and even the smallest touches like holding hands turned my knees to jelly.

"Thank you for coming."

I smiled and stepped closer. "Thank you for inviting me. It's not every day that a girl gets a text about a secret meeting with a big-name celebrity like Kent Davids."

He chuckled and let go of my hands to pull me into a hug. I nestled my head against his shoulder and tucked my face into his neck, my nose just under his chin. He swayed back and forth in a semi-circle until my back was against the railing. I clasped my hands behind his back and just held tight.

"Have I ever told you that you are the best part of my day, my week, and my life?" he whispered against my ear. "...that I can't start my day until I've heard from you or seen you? ...that you make me want to be a better person just for you?"

An explosion of tingles ran through my body. I couldn't help the huge smile, so I pressed my face into his shoulder. "Kent..."

He ran a hand over my hair and cupped the back of my neck. Holding me even tighter than he already had been, he pressed his lips to my temple. Those tingles turned into more of a low-grade burning sensation.

"I know this might feel like I'm rushing things," he whispered, "but I just want to be with you every chance that I can. It's like I'm addicted to you and everything about you."

If I hadn't been braced against the railing and if he hadn't been holding onto me, I most certainly would have fainted right there on the bridge. Thankfully, my boyfriend had a tight hold on me and kept me upright. We clung to each other and just breathed. Sometimes, you needed a moment of that in life...just breathing. Life can get chaotic so fast that a person can get swept up in the mess without truly enjoying anything.

Ally and Madison got tangled with each other so much that I often lost sight of who I wanted to be.

"Ally..." Kent pulled back and cupped my face in his hands. He stared down at me for a minute, a kind of mystical light flickering in his eyes. His shoulders rose and fell with several deep breaths. Everything around us seemed to stand still, holding its breath and waiting for whatever he was trying to say.

"Why do I become a stuttering idiot when I look at you?" he finally laughed. "It's like the words get taken right out of my mind, and I can't form a comprehensive thought anymore."

"I must be some kind of sorceress," I answered with a shrug. "...because that's the only explanation that makes any kind of sense. Right?"

He chuckled and rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs. "That... or maybe I'm completely in love with you. As you may know, men in love turn into total fools."

"Oh... is that what's happening?" I tipped my head into his hand. "Is that your grand statement of your feelings?"

"No," he chuckled again. "This is going to be the grand statement. Ally, you are amazing, and I love you. There... how's that?"

I raised my eyebrows a bit and shrugged. "That was pretty good."

"You're hilarious," he sighed, leaning closer until his nose brushed mine. "We need to keep the balance between the light and the dark, right?"

"Right..." I rolled my eyes and tipped my head even further to the side. "Balance between the light and the dark.... Wait. Am I the dark side?"

"You just had to go there, didn't you?" he groaned. "Why did I say that?"

I giggled and leaned into him. "A balance between the light and the dark... I like it."

Somewhere in the deep recess of my mind, Madisonshook her head. The light and the dark... If only he knew...

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