Oi! Watch Where You're Pointing That Thing!

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Fank's POV

Operation day. Deciding day. Maybe, just maybe, my last day. No family members want me. My friends are severely injured. I have a lot to live for, don't I? (!)

"Right, are you ready Mr Iero?" the doctor smiled sympathetically. As if I have a choice.

"Bring it!" I cheer, coz I'm not going down like a lump of an existing body. I'm gunna go down as Frank, the guys I should always be.

"Copy. Mrs Archer, get ready with the needle," Dr Philip calls, and then there's a green clad nurse right next to him, with the biggest fucking needle I've seen in my life. Game on!

"You sure?" she asks, and I had to bite my lip so I don't yell at her.

"Come at me!" I smirk, sitting up in my chair.

They have to drug me first, not like that's ever a problem, before they can attach wires to me and test me and all of that. So let's get this party going!

She quirked her eyebrow before walking over to me. I lifted my left arm so she could lift my sleave up.

"This will not hurt." she consoled sweetly.

"Yeah, sure," I dismiss, not really caring and then she pushed it in and-

BULLSHIT MOTHERFUCKER! Will not hurt my frigging arse!

"It's ok, just breathe," the doctor told me.

Yeah, coz that's really what I'm not attempting to do. Seriously, what is with these people?

"Too late for that, mate!" I snarl/gasp, coz I feel like my system broke down and I feel numb. Very numb.

And then my eyes collapsed shut, and I fell backwards into a never ending sprial, black surrounding me engulfed me into it's presence, draining any life source from my body and shoving it somewhere unpleasent. And then it struck me, I was going to die tonight, or live. It depends and then the afterflow just knocked me out, silent to the world.


"Hey buddy, you okay?" a voice cooed. But a very painful stick got shoved up my bottom.

"Oi! Watch where your putting that thing!" I snap, but my brain went all fuzzy and my voice was all high pitched. What have they done to me?

What the fuck's going on?

"Yeah, he's alright," another voice laughed, and I detect it as Ray's.

"Alright son. Make sure your friend is alright," the doctor says before leaving the room.

I open my eyes and I realise there are needles in every inch of my skin and the bruises have been cleaned up, but there's a machine chord leading up to the brown mask on my face, connected by a thick wire.

"Hey, Frank," Ray greets calmly, sitting on the chair next to me.

"Hi, what happened?" I grunt, feeling every bit of my body ache.

"You're a survivor, Frank. That's what happened!" and there's a sudden burst of happiness pouring from Ray's mouth as he speaks.

"That's great," I try and be enthusiastic, but I just wanna go back to sleep.

"Oh, and I thought you should know something," Ray's voice deepened and he went white.

"What's wrong? Is someone hurt?" I sit up immediately then, silently scolding my body for telling me to lay back down.

"No, everyone's fine, Frankie. But Donna visited Gerard the other day, and Gerard lost his memory. But he remembers me as his best friend, Mikey as his baby brother and you as  his boyfriend. He didn't remember his mum at first, and she had to tell him who she was. But the point is Frank, she now knows about you and Gerard, me and Mikey. And she's pissed like fuck, not to mention she also knows her eldest son is not a virgin, thanks to you no doubt," Ray explained, and at the end there was a sense of amusement. Hale yeah it was me!

"Whoa, okay, Donna's probably gunna hate herself for a while," I ponder, smirking.

"Yeah, she is," and Ray's spirits are lifted.

"It doesn't matter now anyway. All our secrets are exposed, no more lying or hiding," I point out, and that makes Ray smile even more.

"True," he chuckles and I roll my head to smile too.

"I'm gunna get another tattoo," I inform him.



"Awesome. I better go, but it's incredible that you survived this long. Keep up the good work," Ray laughs before leaving me alone once again.

White walls engulf me, rotten eggs spill on me.

Universe is high without a doubt, bring back the light, rots in darkness, Earth is nye...

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)Where stories live. Discover now