A.17: Aww too bad jolly green giant, you missed, try again for a zeni?

Piccolo: NRRRGH!!

Suddenly, Piccolo charges up yellow energy blasts with his both hands, and to rapidly shoot serval of them at 17 as he began to dodge them, but as 17 stopped dodging them, Piccolo kept on blasting more yellow energy blasts..

A.17: Uhh, I stopped dodging, are you even trying to hit me??

Piccolo: No!

A.17: Huh?? The hell you mean "no"?? I-

Then, he realizes he felt like he's been surrounded, and to yet see a bunch of yellow energy spheres around him that Piccolo shot out of his hands...

A.17: Oh...Oohhhh...Oooohhhh...shit...

Piccolo: Hell-Zone Grenade!!!

A.17: Aww he even named it so cool-

Piccolo commands the energy spheres and for them to rapidly spin around towards 17 and inevitably rain down on them with a vicious onslaught from every direction, filling the sky with a blinding light and inflicting a massive amount of damage...a lot of smoke appeared from the attack, and as it clears away...Piccolo was shocked to see 17 summoning a energy barrier around him, that protected him from the grenade attacks...

Piccolo: No damn it!

A.17: Okay, what's even the difference between you and I? I mean we both wanted to kill Goku.

Piccolo: True, but different here is that I did it for revenge back then, but you guys want to kill him for shits and giggles.

A.17: Okay look, you lived a few years in stasis with your creator repeating the words "kill Goku" over and over in your subconscious, and you can ride that high horse all day long.

Piccolo: ...Woah.

A.17: What?

Piccolo: Nothing just...nostalgia.

A.17: ...Hey.

Piccolo: Wha-

With Piccolo not paying attention, 17 rushes at Piccolo and a lands a kick to his face...

A.17: Dodge.

Piccolo: *spits blood* Fucker. HRAAGH!!

A.17: HAAAH!!

The two charges at each other and to keep on their fight going...
Meanwhile, at Kame's House, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha and Roshi were outside as Chi-Chi stayed over as well for her not to be found by the androids...the z-fighters then started to feel and sense the power that is going on between Piccolo and 17...

Krillin: Oh man, that's some massive power going on over there!

Tien: Damn it! We have to do something!

Yamcha: Hey cool it Tien, like Piccolo said, he's got this!

Tien: Oh, so you're saying that cause you don't wanna get involve?

Krillin: I mean he's got a point, knowing the fact we aren't Saiyans, androids, a super namekian, or whatever the hell cell is-

Tien: Oh don't you start!

Krillin: Hey I've been through a lot at Namek okay?! Shits got crazy, got stabbed and blown up!

Yamcha: I got stabbed and blown up as well, alongside with my girl dumping me while I was dead!

Krillin: Same here man, but here's the difference, my ex dump me and took MY money, your ex dump you and took HER money.

Tien: ...

Yamcha: ...

Roshi: ...Gonna need a Senzu for that one.

Then, Chi-Chi appears out the window with a phone on her hand...

Chi-Chi: Hey, Bulma's on the phone!

Krillin approaches and grabs the phone...

Krillin: Krill-Master speakin.

Bulma: Hey so I just finished with the detonator for the androids.

Krillin: Woah, that was quick.

Bulma: Twenty Two hours isn't that quick.

Krillin: Wait what?!! Twenty two hours?! When!?! How long have we've been asleep here?!?

Bulma: Look I'm heading over, so try not to die on the meantime.

Bulma hangs up the phone as she then was going to head her way over to Kame's House...
Back at the fight, Piccolo and 17 were still fighting , throwing heavy punches towards each other's guts several times, and then afterwards landing a kick at the same time, causing them to spin around and backing away as they landed on the floor...

A.17: Damn it green man...you are hard to put down...

Piccolo: Yea, not gonna lie...I'm kinda enjoying myself...

Nail: Uhh dude, we have a problem!

Piccolo: I was bluffing okay?! I'm kind of in my limit here.

Kami: No, another problem!

Piccolo: What, the other androids??

Nail: No, another, ANOTHER problem!!

Piccolo: What are you...Oh shit...!

A.17: What the fuck is that!?

Suddenly, 17 and Piccolo realize they have see something, something, horrifying, terrifying, and yet disturbing as well...they see another android, but not just an android, a living walking bug android...who is none other, than Cell, or to call him in this state, Imperfect Cell...

who is none other, than Cell, or to call him in this state, Imperfect Cell

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Imperfect Cell: Hello Boys, room for one more?


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