6. Saturday

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They woke up, it was Saturday morning. Today was the day of the rehearsal dinner. It was only 7 am and breakfast wasnt until in 9am. They decided to stay in bed and talk for a while.

The last few days Mark had been really occupied with Addison. That meant Derek and Meredith spent more and more time together. They had gotten really close, and their was never an uncomfortable moment. They were either in an passionate conversation or sitting in a comfortable silence.

At 8 am they got ready and when out from the room. They walked through the house and out in the porch. There was a table set up. Everything was being prepared and a lot of people were running around.

They decided to go down to the river. In one of the threes there was a swing. Meredith sat down and Derek pushed her on the swing. She giggled as she felt the tickling in her stomach.

"So, I was thinking.." He trailed of.

"What?" She smiled.

"We might need a plan, I mean our closest family know we're are friends. But the others coming tonight doesn't.." He continued.

"Just spit it out!" She teased.

"What should we tell them? Should we say we are friends or make som fun out of the situation and fool them all?" He grinned.

"Oh, smart thinking Derek Shepherd! We should totally trick them. If you are up for it of course." She smiled at him wondering.

"I was hoping you would say that. So rules?" He smiled back

"Rules, okay. No flirting with others." She said.

"But with each other?" He grinned.

"Well, if we want to fool them we might need to." She grinned back.

"If you say so." He shook his shoulders. "What else? Hanging out at all times, no leaving the other behind!"

"I agree. And the plan stays between us, it is a secret." She agreed.

"A secret between us. Sounds dirty." He smirked.

"Hey, no mention of the word dirty" She stopped him.

"Why? What comes to mind when I way it? Dirty, drity, dirty-" He teased.

"Stop, it is almost 9 am. We should get back for breakfast." She interrupted him.

"Prude." He whispered.

They went back to the garden and sat down for breakfast.  Everything was delicious and everyone was exited for the evening event and of course the big day that was just around the corner.

They spend the day at walking around the landscape, playing with the kids and hanging out with Mark and Addison. When the clock strikes 4 pm it was finally time to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. They both went up to their room.

Meredith took and shower and blow dried her hair. She styled it in soft curled and put on a tiny amount of makeup. She got dresses in a blue and white sundress. Derek showered and styled his perfect raven curls. He was dressed in a white button-up and black slacks. They were both wearing silver jewellery. He was wearing the same loafers as he planned on wearing tomorrow and she was wearing a white strap sandal with a small heel.

When the both of them were ready they went out of the house, and into the old barn. It was all cleared out and decorated for the dinner. There was a big table in the middle and in the right corner was and open bar. The deepest part of the barn was decorated for the wedding reception.

"I am going to get a drink. You want something?" Derek smiled.

"I will come with you." Meredith smiled back and she placed her hand around his upper arm. She could feel his tight muscle trough the thin material of the button-up

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