2. Tuesday

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It was Tuesday morning and the three roommates were gathered in the kitchen. Derek was cooking pancakes while Meredith and Mark were having a heated argument over the kitchen counter. Something about laundry, but Derek didn't care to listen.

They ate breakfast and chatted as usual and then got ready for school. They packed their bags and but on their rain coats. The weather was rainy and windy, but they seemed to be in a light mood anyways. Derek was still concerned about Meredith, but they had not talked about it since last night.

They arrived at school and went to their first two classes before heading for lunch. The three of them were sat in the cafeteria eating lasagna when Mark suddenly broke the silence.

"So, Nancy's wedding is this weekend..." He started.

"Yes, we know. We are all invited." Derek said with a smirk.

"I just thought about who you guys are bringing. Do you guys have dates? A plus one?" He asked trying not to sound lame.

"No, i was planning on going alone" Meredith answered.

"Yeah, same for me" Derek followed.

"I was thinking of bringing Lexie or Addison. They are two good options and they both know the family" Mark said

"You are thinking about bringing my little sister as YOUR date, to a wedding!" She exclaimed. "And not any wedding, your oldest sisters wedding?" She continued in a strict tone.

"Yeah, never mind. Maybe it was a bad idea!" Mark tried to save the situation.

"Yeah, maybe it was." She narrowed her eyes at him. "If you ever hurt my sister i swear I will hurt you, deeply!" She snapped.

"Woah, calm down. I guess I will bring Addison then." He sighed. Addison was his ex and his current sexual partner, they got along well and worked better now than they had six months ago.

"Looks like that is the better option." Derek grinned cowards Mark.

They continued the meal in silence and then went to their last two classes of the day. Today was an early day. They had all decided a week ago that they would go shopping for clothes to the wedding. Mark and Derek were both groomsmen and Meredith was one of Nancy's bridesmaids among the other three sisters: Liz, Kathleen and Amelia.

She was a part of the family, and it was obvious that she was going to be in the wedding. She was like Carolyn's fifth daughter, well more like the forth since she was the second youngest, just two years older than Amelia.

They drove to the mall, and entered a store selling suits. Some were cheaper and some were worth as much as a full year salary. The brothers tried in three suits each, one black, one dark blue and one gray.
Mark choose a gray suit and Derek choose a dark blue one. It brought out his pair of piercing blue eyes, it was almost ridiculous.

They both bought a button-up and a tie each. The both of them already had loafers in their closets at the apartment. When the brothers were finished with their shopping, they followed Meredith into a store selling dresses, purses and heels.

Meredith was not the type of girl to dress up and she owned very few dresses. She felt that she wanted something simple. A single coloured dress in a nice material and som simple accessories to pair it with.

She tried on three simple silk dresses. They were cute and showed of her collar bones, one of her best features. She tried on a black silhouette heal. The dress she chose was light blue in silk. It was long but showed of her body in a good way. It was elegant and with the black heels it would be perfect. She decided not to get a bag.

They all went back to de apartment and ate dinner. After dinner Derek was watching a movie in his room when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" He answerd.

He saw the door crack open and Meredoth entered. She sat down on the bed and watched him for a while before speaking up.

"Izzie want to meet for coffee. She knew I was busy this weekend so i suggested next Monday." She sighed. "I tink she might be ready to hear me out by then."

"That's good." He answerd her. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know. I don't know what to tell her and how to pick up the courage to do it." She breathed out, her eyes were now glassy.

"It will be okay, I think you should tell hur the truth. Tell her and she get to decide if she belives you or not." He said softly.

"I'm just scared of loosing her. She is the only person in our grade who don't think i'm weird or dark and twisty" She sighed as a tear shed from her eye and made its way down her cheek.

"I can promise you that she does but she loves that about you. And so does me and Mark." He smiled and wiped the tear away from her cheek.

"Thanks," She said softly. "I feel better now, and I think you are right. I should tell her the truth and let her decide" She smiled trough the tears.

"Okay" He anwered softly.

"Okay" She answerd, still looking into his eyes.

The tention between them was broken by Derek. "So, do you want to continue watching the movie with me" He smiled at her. "I have popcorn!" He continued handing her a bowl.

"Oh, popcorn. How could I resist!" She smiled teasingly.

"Only here for the popcorn huh?" He teased. He regretted it as soon as it left his mouth, and now he felt stupid.

"No, not just the popcorn. I'm also here for The notebook." She grinned at him.

"Tease" He wispered.

"Cheesy" She answered.

They watched the rest of the movie and talked for the whole thing. Mark never joined them while watching movies. He didn't appeciate the talking. He wanted complete silence and that was not provided by Derek and Meredith while watching a movie.

A tear sheded down Dereks cheek during a sad scene of the movie. He quickly wiped it away, hoping Meredith didn't notice his weakness for the romantic movie. But it was too late, she had already noticed.

"Derek Shepherd, are you crying?" She exclaimed as she looked at him with big eyes.

"No!" He answered quickly.

"Yes, yes you are! You are all mushy and sentimental!" She moved closer to him. "You want a hug?" She reached her arms out to him.

"I'm not mushy and sentimental!" He defended himself, but still reached out to hug her. He felt her tiny frame being enveloped by his bigger one. He couldn't belive she saw him crying to The notebook.

"You want to sleep here?" He asked carefully.

"Yes. I think you might need me to, after all that crying I mean." She teased.

"Carefull, I might change my mind about the invite!" He teased back.

"You wouldn't!" Her eyes widened.

"I could! But i won't." He smiled at her.

They both got under the covers and snuggled into their pillows. Their breaths and heartbeats slowed down as they were dozing of.

"Goodnight Meredith" Derek said sleepy.

"Night, Derek" She answered.

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