Callie shook her head knowing that wasn't true.

"Come on, Liam." Frank sighed. "They're basically family."

"What? Elektra's family, yeah?" Liam asked.

"She could be." Callie told him. "She's here, which makes her one of us. We don't know what she's been through, maybe she had a good reason to act the way she did."

"You know what," Frank sighed. "Forget it." He said dropping the mattress and walking away.

"Ouch, Frank!" Callie hissed in pain. "My shoulder."

Liam and Callie were the last one's to arrive at lunch. Callie rubbing her shoulder as she walked in.

"What happened Callie?" Mike asked noticing her.

Callies eyes wondered over to Elektra's before going back to Mike's. "I tripped, that's all." She smiled

"Where have you two been? Gina asked.

"Nowhere." Liam said coldy whilst sitting down glaring at Frank.

"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" Callie asked Liam as they two walked up to the attic. "We haven't done that in awhile."

"Yeah. I'd like that." He smiled. His smile soon dropped when he saw Elektra, Tee, Carman, and Frank in the Liam, Callie, Frank den.

"Oh! Hey, Liam, Callie." Elektra smiled. "Just in time. Do you want some curry?"

"No thank you." Callie said looking at her suspiciously.

"What are they doing here?" Liam asked.

Frank sighed. "They're my friends."

"All of you, out!" Liam demanded gesturing to the exit.

"Hang on. How's that fair?" Elektra asked. "We're with Frank and this is his place too!"

"This is between me and him." Liam told her. "Now tell them to leave."

"No!" Frank said.

"All right." Liam said nodding his head. "Well, I'll take everything that I found up here."

Callie watched as Liam packed the bag, she turned to Elektra noticing how happy she had gotten. Callie scoffed. "I don't know what she's up to, but she's up to something." Callie told the others.

"No, I'm not!" Elektra glared.

"Don't kid a kidder." Callie rolled her eyes. "Look, I tried to be sympathetic. You pushed me over the damn pool table and I did nothing, but you so much as hurt anyone in this house, emotionally or physically, which you've proven you can do, so help me god Elektra." She turned away. "Come on Liam."


Liam and Callie were on their way out, the latter of the two deciding she really wanted ice cream and couldn't wait any longer for it. They walked through the kitchen, passing Frank on there way out.

"What you doing?" Liam asked.

Frank turned around looking oddly suspicious. "Nothing."

Nothing || Liam O'DonovanWhere stories live. Discover now