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-karl's Pov-

Chapter five: 'His tramatic ex'

We got off the ferris wheel, sapnap said he needed a minute to calm down for some odd reason. I then felt weight on my shoulder, I look over and it's Quackity. I smiled and rubbed my hand on his back, I was guessing he was tired.
"You tired Q?" I asked quietly enough for him and sapnap to hear. "A little" He gave a small smiled, it was cute to me, I'm guessing sapnap thought the same thing because he was smiling back. "You us to take you home?" I asked while sapnap walked to us. "If you want" he buried his head in my shoul0der on the verge of sleep.
I looked up at sapnap and he nodded, looking back at a half sleep Quackity I smiled "we'll walk you home"

We were walking all along the pavement talking about anything we thought about. Well me and sapnap was, Q was now clinging to Sapnap's arm mumbling something every other minute.

"I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday, that's why I didn't come today" he mumbled.
I felt a wave of relief, it was like I was jealous or something.
"Why" I asked, even though I didn't really care.
"He... Wasn't the best person towards me" he slightly sighed.
I wanted to know what he meant but sapnap beat me to the question. "Wdym/What do you mean?". "Well . . . He was a drop, abusive, and always getting drunk." He clung on Sapnap's tighter. "There was always screaming . . . Glass being broken, and I was hiding from him half of the time" he grit his teeth as tears pricked from his eyes. I felt so angry, hatred, I could tell sapnap felt the same. sapnap was biting his bottle lip holding back his anger.
Still why would someone do that to such a lovable person.

"I hated him, but he told me I loved him, he said I needed him.I believed him, so I moved in with him" Both of our eye quickly widened "you live with that bitch?!" Sapnap's anger finally bursted out.
"I'm not, atleast not anymore" He took a deep breath trying to forget his tramatic experience with his ex.

We we're finally at his House, he knocked on the door and a man answered the door. He looked like a 21 year old with no life.
Quackity eyes enlarged in terror
"Sch-schlatt?! What the hell do you want!"
"Hi pumpkin~ how've you been?" He stepped closer to Quackity as Quackity stepped back into me and sapnap. "Leave me alone! I don't belong to you, I'm not your property!" He yelled getting angrier as his tone raised.
Me and sapnap were lost for words, but instantly knew this was the guy Quackity was talking about. "What the hell do you want with quackity?" Sapnap growled in low tone.

Quackity slipped his hands in both of ours for protection.
"No need to be scared Q, you have me and sapnap to protect you" I gently whispered in his ear. "What are you? His boyfriend" schlatt laughed.
Sapnap face went red but quickly calmed down "shut the fuck up" Sapnap voice raised.
"What are you gonna do? Tell that nails painting freak over there to scold me?"
He was talking about me! Sapnap snap gripping his hand into a fist punching schlatt, making him stumble to the ground. "Don't you EVER talk to Karl and Quackity again" sapnap stepped forward, now he was protectivly in front of me and Q. "I'll send you to the hospital on your death bed" sapnap gave schlatt a glare.
Schlatt jump off the floor and sprinted past us, calling his name's like 'crazy' or 'killers'.

I watched as schlatt tripped, and giggled at him. Sapnap turned to us with a worried Expression on his face "are you two ok?! Your not hurt or anything right?"
"We're fine sapnap" I smiled at him. "That was so cool sapnap!" Quackity was practically jump in excitement. He was in a cheerful mood for about 5 minutes until he slowly calmed down.
We walked inside to see I nicely decorated house. "If you wanna chill here for tonight you can, it's gonna start raining soon" Quackity collapsed on the sofa.
Me and sapnap took our phones out and texted our moms asking if we could stay for tonight, luckily they said yes.

I sat next to Quackity and Sapnap sat next to me, causing me to be in the middle. Comfortably enjoy the silence in the room. Sapnap laid his head on my shoulder, Quackity intertwined our hands.
I felt my heart become warm and fuzzy, I knew this was Quackity and Sapnap causing this feeling in my chest.
"Thank you, you guys" Quackity said stopping my thoughts.
"No problem" me and sapnap said in sync. Sapnap started to look nervous, I grabbed sapnap's hand and rubbed circles on it "you ok sapnap?" I said catch Quackity's attention, he noticed sapnap's nervous state "are you ok?" He asked

He seemed to slowly calm down, but was still nervous.
"Have you guys ever heard of a
Polyamory relationship?" He asked us both.

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