Drunk Confessions

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The library was deadly silent just as Madam Pince would have preferred it to be.

Her boyfriend was currently helping her pass Potions. Adrian was probably the only player in the Slytherin Team that wasn't a complete moron and his parents made sure of that. It was getting hard to keep track of things since this was the busiest time of the year.

"What's this? More tactics?" Adrian had rummaged through her bag in search for her copy of Advanced Potion-Making when he stumbled upon a particular scroll of parchment. It had her and someone else's writing on it. Not that it would come to any use to him since these were past tactics used against Ravenclaw.

It wasn't the first Adrian had taken a peek of Gryffindors tactics but he never shared them to his team, knowing it would destroy his relationship with Airborne.

Being caught up with Adrian and the upcoming quizzes, Marceline felt as if she forgot something but couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. That was until someone tapped on her shoulder as she faced this particular person did she realize what she had forgotten.

"Airborne, I don't know if you've forgotten but we have practice. Right now." Wood urged her to get up from her seat.

Madam Pince came around the corner and shushed Oliver for saying that aloud, placing a finger over her lips indicating to keep it down before disappearing past the tall bookshelf.

"You're kidding? This is the fifth time this week." Marceline hissed lowly not wanting the vulture to come back and shriek at her.

"Relax Woody, give her a break. I'm sure your team won't necessarily be needing all of that training. Besides there are far more important things to worry about." Adrian gestured down at the piles of work the Professors have provided this week. It was ridiculous how the students have been working overtime.

Oliver pretended Adrian wasn't even there, his attention solely focused on Airborne. It's not like he was gonna listen to him anyway.

"And how do you expect we win the Quidditch Cup when you're here prancing around with him."

Marceline gave Adrian an apologetic look but Pucey simply smiled and nodded, letting her go to practice. She gathered her things hastily and stood up from her seat.

"I don't see what's good surrounding yourself with a bunch of snakes." Oliver huffed, dragging her out of the library.

Something about the moment the two had started dating just ignited a flame inside of him. Oliver always had this nagging feeling at the back of his head everytime he saw Marceline with Adrian. He couldn't explain it but he felt some kind of great dislike towards Pucey, maybe even more stronger compared to Flint. He suddenly hated Pucey more than before. Oliver somehow knew that the Slytherin was up to no good.

Slytherins were always up to no good.

"You're just saying that 'cause you've never even tried to be friend one nor be nice to one. Not all Slytherins are evil you know."

Marceline nearly tripped after a seventh year Slytherin had stuck out his leg, luckily the Chaser reacted quickly and had held onto the Captain for support.

"Watch where you're going, Gryffindork." Snarled the seventh year Slytherin, his group of friends nearby had snickered.

"Uh huh, real nice people." Oliver said sarcastically, proving his point as they continued down the hall.

"We can't be running around and getting distracted. We can't afford to lose especially after all the hard work." Wood said seriously, Gryffindor had gotten this far and Oliver refused to fall back down.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now