Fifth Year

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Everyone in the Great Hall silently listened to the sorting of the houses. Marceline patiently waited for her brother's turn and when it finally came, her attention fully fell to the front.

"Gryffindor!" Marceline's jaw dropped to the table as she watched Nico's eyes widen in utter shock.

The Gryffindors burst into cheers except for Marceline who was busy sitting there with a stunned expression, still processing what just happened. Once the sorting hat was removed from his head, Nico had sat right next to Collin Creevey as he chatted away during feast.

"Isn't this great? Maybe next year Wood might consider making your little brother a reserve." Alicia suddenly suggested.

"Nico? A reserve? That's if he ever learns how to fly a broom. The git's afraid of heights." Marceline gave a short laugh before sipping on her goblet of pumpkin juice.

The thing about Nico was that he disliked Quidditch, he was more of a Wizard Chess and Gobstones kind of kid. Unlike Marceline, Nico wasn't born with the natural abilities to fly a broom. Hence, Aquila mostly turned his attention towards the eldest sibling.

The feast was interrupted by Professor Dumbledore as he once again gave everyone a warm welcome back and announced a new teacher would be taking Professor Quirrell's place after the awful incident last year.

"Let us welcome, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart. He shall be taking over as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." A round of applause erupted in the Great Hall as the well known author stood from his seat and flashed his big bright smile that won him a feature on Witch Weekly's magazine.

Professor Snape was of course not very pleased, he after all wanted that post for such a long time and never got accepted. Marceline swore she saw Professor Sinistra and Madam Pince stare dreamily at Professor Lockhart. She had to admit that his books were quite pricey and the fact that everyone was forced to buy the full set was quite absurd.

On the next day, word got around about the whole flying car situation. Turns out Harry and Ron had made quite an entrance this new school year. An unforgettable one since they had been spotted by many muggles upon their voyage on the flying car. They even ended up being featured on the Daily Prophet.

"So what we saw outside the train window was no hallucination." Angelina clarified, her face hidden behind the Daily Prophet as she continued to munch on her french toast.

"If that wasn't the greatest entrance, I don't know what is." Marceline grinned, making a mental note to pat both Potter and Weasley on their backs for an excellent stunt.

"We're lucky Professor McGonagall didn't take away any house points. Not that she could anyway." Alicia said which was true since one couldn't take away points without even having points to begin with.

Marceline was quite annoyed to be informed by her mother that since Nico had been sorted into Gryffindor, it would be her responsibility to look after him at all times. Nico had a nack for forgetting things much like Neville Longbottom for instance who always forgot the password to Gryffindor Tower. However, what made her week was the fact that some Slytherin first year had the brightest idea to give Nico a Wingardium Leviosa wedgie. If Marceline could meet this genius, she would've given them a biscuit.

Professor Lockhart turned out to be a worse teacher than Professor Quirrell. Aside from the fact that Quirrell had turned to the dark side, he had more brains than Lockhart. Gilderoy seemed to only want to show off what he did in his books, some details were quite hard to believe but it still convinced many readers.

Her first week wasn't very cheerful, especially with Colin constantly snapping photos of people without consent. It was getting annoying for everyone in Gryffindor Tower.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin