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Summer wasn't all that interesting aside from Marceline being able to spend time with her dad. This time he had taught her more tricks on how to swiftly avoid the opposed team from stealing the Quaffle from her. Marceline was definitely going to use this whenever she'd have to outsmart the opposing team's Chasers. Especially the Slytherins.

Aquila was very competitive and maybe that's what motivated him to becoming such a skilled and successful player.

The Airborne family had just come back from their trip to Italy. Given Marceline the chance to bond with her cousins over a game of Shuntbumps, a more barbaric version of Quidditch with explosives involved.

A loud crash had come from the drawing room, startling Mrs. Airborne.

"Uh, Marceline! Are you expecting someone?" Mum called from the drawing room.

"Uhhhh..." Marceline paused, trying to think and suddenly remembered something. Her eyes widened in realization, she had completely forgot about him. They had been sending letters back and forth the entire month, yet she still forgot.

Marceline clumsily abandoned her lunch and sprinted towards the drawing room. Mum sort of jumped back in surprise as she watched a young wizard appear from the green flames of the fireplace.

"I hate the Floo Network." A thick Scottish accent said through a cloud of ashes. One hand holding his broom and the other holding his Keeper gloves.

"Who's this?" Mum questioned not recognizing the new face, gazing between her daughter and the stranger.

"This is Oliver Wood... He's just here to devise some Quidditch tactics with me. That's all." Now thinking back, Marceline wondered why she even agreed in the first place. Probably because she was getting bored of her little brother's company. He was sort of a brat at times.

She rarely got her friends to come over at her place since they were caught up in their own little vacations with their own families. In exception for Wood, who didn't like the idea of wasting a vacation without training.

Mrs. Airborne was a very friendly person and greeted him the Italian way. Oliver didn't expect he'd receive kisses on both sides of his face today as his ears turned pink from the interaction. She had introduced herself and even offered him some freshly baked pie, leaving momentarily to make tea. But what really made him nervous was meeting her father.

"Act normal Wood, don't go all fanatic on my dad." Marceline flicked a speck of dust off his shoulder.

Despite the hot weather, it didn't stop the Quidditch obsessed git from wearing a long sleeved jersey with the emblem of his favorite Quidditch Team on it.

Oliver scowled at her words, immediately denying the truth. In a swift motion, Marceline snatched his broomstick and left it leaning against the wall. Soon Wood found himself face to face with none other than the Aquila Airborne.

"Mr. Airborne, it's such an honor to meet you." Oliver looked like he was about to burst, the Captain was shaking hands with Aquila a little bit too enthusiastically.

"Ah, you must be Oliver Wood, the Team Captain correct? Marcy here has told me a bit about you. It's nice to meet you in person." Aquila shared the same bright smile Mrs. Airborne had worn upon welcoming him.

The fact that Aquila knew his name made Oliver's ears turn brick red, he was practically screaming inside. Wood was about to reply to that when Marceline had butted in.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now