Bludger Gone Rogue

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The good news was that Mrs. Norris was currently petrified in the hospital wing, meaning the cat wouldn't be able to supervise the halls at night.

Aside from the students being in danger... The bad news was that the Gryffindor Team had no idea how they were going to defeat the Slytherins this upcoming match.

"We are officially doomed."

"Doomed how exactly?" Marceline gazed at Fred with an eyebrow raised.

"We don't stand a chance against them next week." Fred explained in frustration.

"They look like green blurs shooting across the sky." George finished his twin's sentence.

"You spied on them?" She scoffed in disbelief.

"What else could we do? Wood wouldn't shut up if we didn't do as he asked." Fred huffed, Oliver wasn't taking it well either. The Scottish boy spent days, planning against Slytherin like some kind of lunatic. Oliver would drag Marceline to the pitch in hopes she would have any brilliant ideas, only to be disappointed.

Ever since that little exchange between the Gryffindor and Slytherin Teams, Adrian acted like the whole scene had never happened. Of course Marceline refused to let it slip, she wasn't one to forgive that easily.

"Mudblood? Really?" Marceline made eye contact with Adrian, her face said she wasn't impressed.

"I didn't say it, Malfoy did." Adrian defended.

"Right and yet you still found Flint's insults amusing as well." She huffed, shaking her head at him.

"If I hadn't laughed along, I'd probably have seemed suspicious to them." He reasoned which was a shitty excuse might Marceline add.

Airborne ignored Pucey and entered History of Magic class without another word to him. She sat down in the far back, opening her textbook and waited for Professor Binns to show up. Even if Marceline was evidently upset with Adrian, the boy still decided to sit next to her. He knew why she was acting bitter towards him lately, after all Malfoy did in fact insult her mother for being muggleborn.

"What Malfoy said was revolting. You know I'd never agree with him." Adrian tried, it wasn't the first time they had a disagreement like this one but he didn't like it whenever they did.

"What about those bloody brooms? Bold of you to assume I'd forget about those." She muttered, her gaze glued to the front of the class.

Waiting for the Professor to float into the room, taking more longer than usual which was weird. It's not like a ghost was busy or anything.

"Quite frankly, I'd rather not use it at all." Adrian said truthfully, his dad had just gotten him a new broom and not using it next match with Mr. Pucey watching from the stands would definitely make his father think Adrian didn't appreciate all his hard work.

"Maybe you don't know but ever since Malfoy joined, Higgs has been kicked off the team. The poor lad hadn't taken it lightly. If anything I'd have been the first to be kicked off if Malfoy wanted a Chaser position." Adrian wanted to say more but Professor Binns had already floated into the classroom, emerging straight from the blackboard and began to silence the students.

"Quiet now, settle down. Settle down. Today's lesson will be about the International Warlock Convention of 1289." Professor Binns' drawling voice had already set a boring mood.

The Professor took a boring subject and made it even more unbearable than it already was. Binns had died years ago in his own classroom due to 'overworking'. Even death couldn't stop him from teaching students, living his afterlife as a Professor forever. Supposedly he is better than Peeves.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now