Sixth Year

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She didn't know what the thunder meant but it was definitely a memory she had never even experienced before. Marceline felt a bit hazy after that train ride as she stumbled out onto Hogsmeade station. Marceline and Oliver had met up with the rest of their friends by the carriages. Lee, Fred, George, Katie, Alicia, and Angelina fell in line along with the rest of the old students. The freshmeats had gone their seperate ways with Hagrid, leading them towards the boats over the Black Lake like all the first years have done in the past.

"Are you lots alright?" Lee gave a concerned look to his friends, meeting everyone's gaze.

"Fine, but it did feel weird." Alicia admitted, still looking pale faced after the whole encounter with the Dementors.

"Like I'd never be cheerful again..." Katie whispered, a shiver ran down her spine. Bell hoped they'd never have to encounter a Dementor ever again.

Marceline was too busy with her own thoughts to join in on the conversation. She was trying to figure out what that vision meant, a couple of horrid ideas came into mind which made her shiver even more. Somehow, Marceline had an awful feeling that that vision was connected to her father.

The girl was pulled away from her thoughts once the carriages arrived. The group split ways, the four Chasers sharing one carriage whilst the other four had boarded in a different one. Marceline did not speak for the entire ride as she simply kept her gaze fixed upon the dirt path. Eventually the carriage came to a stop, signaling that they had arrived at their destination. As they hopped off, the group was met with the usual tall metal gates of the school grounds. Professor Flitwick was standing at the entrance, with a scroll and quill in his hands as he took the students' attendance. Making sure no stranger ever entered the school grounds.

The tall wizard in which had given everyone chocolates after the Dementor encounter was also present. He had his wand drawn out as he kept a close eye on the people whom entered. Only now did Marceline realize that the wizard wore tattered robes like he had been attacked by some sort of rabid animal with visible scratches across his face. She wondered if this was going to be their new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor.

It took great effort for the students to enter the castle at last since the stairs were bloody murder. By the Entrance Hall, she saw him. Marceline knew she would have to confront him one day even if she wasn't in the mood. She looked back at her female friends, Alicia gave her a slight nod as if to tell her to go and talk to him. Spinnet, Bell, and Johnson left to arrange their luggages up in Gryffindor Tower as they disappeared up the marble staircases.

Marceline forced her legs to bring her closer to him, stopping right infront of her best friend. His Slytherin friends were no where in sight, maybe they were already in the dungeons preparing for feast.

The two stared back at one another for a couple of seconds before he decided to speak up first.

"I um, I'm really sorry about bombarding you with owls. I was just worried... You never answered back not after... " Adrian didn't finish his sentence, he knew it was a sensitive topic.

"It's fine, I should be the one apologizing for not replying back. I just needed some space and time to think." Marceline explained, looking guilty as hell.

To his surprise, she hugged him tightly, burying her face into his chest. His insides started to tingle as he wrapped his arms around her. He caressed her back gently in attempt to comfort her. To Adrian's dismay, Marceline pulled away from him seconds later.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing, just needed it." She confessed as she shrugged her shoulders, forcing a small but weary smile on her lips.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now