Chapter 101: Aftermath (Part 6)

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Without knowing how, without realising when, the Duke which Kairos had spent the better part of last year believing to be the ultimate mastermind behind his enemies had turned into his new godfather.

"Huh? What happened...?" He scratched his head momentarily and looked at the two older gentlemen that are openly showing their delight.

His father, Vouno, was, of course, elated that the Duke's power, protection, and fortune would be used on his son.

On the other hand, Lord Yue had almost everything anyone could wish for in the empire and felt that splurging on his new godson was a God-given right. However, for someone who lacked the simplest familial bond, he craved it immensely.

Vouno invited Lord Yue to a drink in celebration while Kairos excused himself, though the duke wanted to commemorate this day with his new godson.

"Let him be. Kids will be shy."

"Well... I guess you're right."

"You know, for all your frightening reputation, you're quite a nice fellow!"

"Oh, is that what you think?" Lord Yue said with a deathly cold whisper.

While his entourage shivered, Vouno only nodded with a wide grin on his face and patted the Duke on the back, "Of course! I never mistake a person's true nature, you know?"

"Is that so? MWAHAHAHAHAH! It's a coincident then, for I also thought you as quite a hearty fellow. Perhaps this drink will be more interesting than I first believed. Where do you recommend?"

"Have you tried Laksa's brew before?"

"Never. Though, I've long heard of his fame. Let us go! Men, stay here and help them."

After agreeing to the drink, the Chang Ming Duke generously sent his men to help fix up the ruined Gilded Snow, and the two left to find the master chef and his famous brew. On the way, Lord Yue asked, "Say... since that boy is now my godson, are you...?"

Vouno wasn't slow in the uptake either, and he immediately declared with a laugh, "Of course, you'll be my new god-brother from today. Shall we drink a toast to that as well?"

"I want to be the older brother," the Chang Ming Duke said.

At this time, Kairos was hurrying on his way to the staff lounge. Despite the celebration in the air, he was in no mood.

Even during the meeting, his heart was pounding furiously in his chest. At the back of his mind, a voice was yelling in fear and worry. What if something happened to Relestia while he left her side?

They could've sent another assassin, or her condition worsens, and the devil broke the seals and devoured her soul.

Though his father was there, and surely could help strengthen the seals with an infusion of energy, but what if he left her side at the wrong time and didn't notice?

There were all kinds of unreasonable yet overbearing thoughts that ran across his mind like a herd of hippos that were charging down the mountain peak.

Now that he could see her safe with his own eyes, how could he wait?

His steps sped up towards one of the only rooms left intact in the building. At first, he walked, but halfway through, he broke into an almost panicking run.

The moment he opened the door to where Relestia is, all the shadows that threatened to overwhelm him, fled.

"She's alright...," he knew that of course since his Soul Perception had never left her. But to see her with his own eyes, and knowing she's close, truly set his heart at ease. His Soul Perception had failed before, and he needed to be near enough to protect her because what he feared most is not helplessness, but not being there when he could.

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