Chapter 44: A Blessing for the Little One

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When Kairos is convinced that Tommy's training is proceeding nicely, he finally put his heart at rest, but the number of things for him to worry seemed countless. What happened to Ling'er had been stuck in his mind. He went to find Relestia, hoping that the princess who can heal souls could restore Xuan Xian's daughter.

The little girl had suffered at the hands of her father's greed while Kairos was at the Silent Lambs Empire. Even though he wasn't the cause, he still felt guilty for being away. Those in the Snowdrifts develops a strong familial bond and looks out for one another. He was no exception and often searched for a cure for Ling'er, though every lead had failed thus far.

The little princess, who was his last option, agreed immediately. When Kairos asked her to join the sect he created, it felt like her heart had blossomed.

After joining Snowdrifts, she had been a faithful member that wanted to help them in everything she could. It wasn't surprising since the princess was only surrounded by caretakers and servants but never friends or anyone with equal status. This is the first time she could do something helpful, and she was enthralled.

Unfortunately, when the pair came close to the school gates, they were blocked by a sea of people who were shouting for Kairos.

"W...what's this?" Relestia gasped. The older boy by her side looked just as confounded.

"Had I done something that caused this many to seek me?"

"Lord Kairos, Crown Princess," A stranger's voice whispered beside them.

With Soul Perception banned, the two of them had not detected anyone, and they jumped back in shock.

They looked around but did not see anyone close to them, yet the voice sounded right beside their ears.

"My apologies my lords, we are Lord Yue's men on his orders to protect you. Do not be alarmed."

"F... from what?" Relestia asked in a small voice.

"These people out there are waiting to meet Lord Kairos. They desire to learn your secret to tame the Unknown Flame Sovereign."

"All of them?" Kairos asked in surprise. He had not expected the purple flame that was so easily brought out by an instructor had such fame.

Relestia, on the other hand, nodded thoughtfully. As the princess, a famous thing like the Unknown Flame Sovereign and its history definitely could not escape her ears. The children of the royal family grew up listening to stories that the rest of the empire could only dream about. Therefore, she knows that although the purple flame is rather commonly found in Gaia, it is powerful enough to make every Pill Master and Alchemist covetous for it.

"Lord Yue have instructed us to ensure your ease should you wish to depart from the academy grounds."

Kairos glanced at those crowding outside the gates and couldn't help but frown. It had already been days since he tamed the flame, but the number of people only continued to increase as people travelled from far to seek answers.

"It is impossible to go to Ling'er now. I can't take even a step outside like this."

"Relestia, I'm going to take up on Lord Yue's invitation to visit him. Can I ask for your help later on?"

"Can I come along with you?" the little girl chirped.

Kairos thought for a moment then nodded his head. Having the princess around always make his heart feel lighter, so why not?

Lord Yue's men were overjoyed at his acceptance, and if the princess attended, they wouldn't mind either. Since she outranks their master, they couldn't decline her even if they wanted. After all, the masters of each of the Three Great Nobles are all Dukes, the highest rank a person could reach, but still below royalty.

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