Chapter 100: Aftermath (Part 5)

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He shook in terrible nervousness. Kairos could easily tell what Lord Yue is feeling for such a large drop in temperature. It was a natural reaction that martial arts could not replicate; especially when the culprit is one as powerful as Lord Yue who lost all composure.

However, despite logic, when Kairos looked at the duke, he thought that the powerfully built man was shaking in murderous rage.

He was speechless for a while, until he finally said unbearably, "Lord... Lord Yue! I'm gonna freeze to death!"

"Oh, can you feel it? T... this is how a poor old man feels without any family to care for him!" he said shamelessly.

"What? Aren't the Dark Gods family huge?"

"They... they are all people from my uncles and aunts' side! If you don't a...accept, I will have no one... can you let a poor old man be alone like this without children, forever!?"

The room's temperature dropped another couple more degrees as if emphasising his words.

"But," Kairos protested, "I already have a father..."


"Poor ol' me, I'm so badly wounded I might die anytime, but at my deathbed, I will be without any children to send me off!"

Kairos finally understood a cold hard fact. It didn't matter how erudite or intellectual one is, they'd become completely helpless when faced with such barefaced relentless shameless approach.

Indeed, the ultimate shamelessness is utter invincibility.

Kairos heaved a great sigh over his first defeat in negotiation, then finally said, "I'll have to ask my father first."

The Duke was overjoyed.

He jump straight up from his chair, bouncing onto his feet, and roared, "Let's go ask now!"

He behaved as though his wounds weren't real, but blood spurted out generously from his torn scabs. Still, there was an almost-idiotic smile on his face.

"Duke! You need to rest first!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine," a mouthful of blood poured from Lord Yue's mouth as it curved into a smile.

Under the escort of his men and a team of doctors, Lord Yue insisted on visiting Vouno right away.

Fortunately, the Gilded Snow was quite close by, and they reached in the matter of minutes.

Despite his wounds and unhealthily pale complexion, the grin on the duke's face never faded.

"Sir Vouno! I am Yue Chang Ming! I am here to request a meeting humbly."

In the shop, Kairos' father was busily helping out when he was interrupted by a booming voice announcing his name from outside.

"Yue Chang Ming? Who is that?"

The Duke's name is famous throughout the empire, but it is the first time for Vouno and Kairos to hear it. Chang Ming (常明), which meant everlasting light, had the complete opposite meaning of what Lord Yue was famous from and thus rarely ever mentioned, except in mocking. It wasn't surprising for the father and son pair that hails from a backwards village to not know.

Instantly, Vouno shouted just as loudly from within the shop without bothering to take a glance, "Your Lord Vouno has no time to entertain you. Come back another day!"

Although the terms he used were common, everyone in the Duke's party turned frosty pale. In Saint Empire or outside, daring to offend Lord Yue is much worse than offending anyone else!

"Oh no, what did he say, Sir Vouno is only a viscount, but he shouted at our Duke?"
"Someone, quick, calm the Duke down! He couldn't rise his temper in his current state!"

"It's over, the Snowdrifts and the Dark Gods family are going to clash now... what am I going to do? I still want to buy Star Rune swords from Lord Kairos..."

The Duke's subordinates were terrified! They didn't expect such rudeness from the other side when their lord is such a respected and feared man. For the past millennia, who dared to dismiss the head of the Dark Gods family? Even the Emperor and the princes had to be cordial towards him at all times, and their enemies feared even whispering his name!

But the next moment made everyone thought they were dreaming, for Lord Yue cried out loudly, "Come on old master of the Astroire House, I am the Duke of the South, please give me some face and accept my humble presence. I only wish to visit you for a little while, surely you can give an old man like me some of your time."

"Is this still the Duke!?"

Everyone around had the same thought.

Within the Gilded Snow, Vouno had a great shock. He turned and looked outside the broken wall and saw a large party staying politely waiting. Without hesitation, Kairos' father flew out at top speed.

"Gosh, if you're the Duke why don't you just say so in the first place!?"

"Haha! Are you the infamous Lord Yue? Pleased to meet you, what have you came here for?"

The Duke immediately blushed at being called infamous. Vouno, who was being honest, returned him with a confident smile.

The bodyguards, the servants, and the medical team widened their eyes and checked Lord Yue's expression. They found his entire face red with vicious homicidal rage and quickly counselled him, "My lord! You're still wounded, you must watch your inner strength!"

"R...right...," with a word he dismissed the embarrassment he felt as his Ki returned to an icy cold and tranquil state. A thousand years of cultivation had given him superhuman self-control, and his mood rebounded quickly, "Sir Vouno, I have come today because I truly like Kairos' personality. I wish to make the relationship between our two families closer, so I propose to adopt him as my god-son. A child would be blessed to have two fathers, what do you think?"

On the side, Kairos quickly made faces at his father, trying his best to say, "Dad! Don't accept! Isn't this too abrupt!?"

Vouno returned his son's gaze, and immediately the latter could tell that his father is saying: "Leave it to me, Dad knows best!"

"Say, Duke Yue, are you rich?" Vouno asked with near impudence.

A few guards around started feeling faint in their heads, while a few state officials were resisting heart-attacks.

But, Lord Yue welcomed his straight-forwardness, "Rich? The entire south is under my command! Even the South-Eastern waters move when I want it, stop when I slam my hand down."

"Well... in that case, I'llaccept it for my son. HAHA! It's my silly boy's fortune to catch your eye. Whatare you doing, Kairos! Hurry up and thank your godfather!"

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