King of Kings

Beginne am Anfang

A beautiful woman if I may say

Y/N: I see. Give me a radio to address the sailors before we go to combat

Valerie nods and approaching the radio ahead and the operator flipped its switch for me to address the fleet. I lean closer to the mic and clear my throat to make my voice clearer before speaking

Y/N: Everyone, this is Y/N Pendragon. My order to you is simple, yet it heed it well and exert yourself to see it done

I gave a slight pause before getting straight to it

Y/N: They are coming. Kill them all

No screaming, no chants, nothing radical like "For Britannia!". It was a short, calm and collective order fit for a king that doesnt lose his temper or get too excited at the moment of time

Valerie: Come! Lets settle this, fire the 15 inch

Fairey Barracudas armed with bombs under their wings begin to take off one by one as I observe the fleet from the safety of the battleship's superstructure

The roar of Vanguard's 15 inch guns and Sea Hornets of HMS Indomitable taking off was a signal that the battle has began


Wooden warships made of wood drifted into the seas with its crew dead and those who survived were taken prisoners by the destroyers who came to pick them up out of good will. Wyverns dyed the seas with their draconic blood as they stood no fighting chance against the Carrier Fighters and AA Defense

I ignored the naval warfare as the senseless killing of sailors who was fighting for a madman made me pity their decision to fight to the bitter end instead of being with their family

Another desperate means to hold us back but all of it was all for nothing as the might of the Royal Navy crushed its foes with efficiency. As the naval battle concluded itself, our eyes lay on the fortress

In a matter of minutes, the carrier fighter bombers, 16 inch, 15 inch and 5.25 inch shells of our warship bombarded the fortress that Adler was hiding on. Here I stood mesmerized of the destructive capability of HMS Vanguard, the last battleship of the Royal Navy, on its fighting glory

Her fire control system and radar was as superb as it can be which made me put the pride of the Vanguard even more which made grow a small smile. The accuracy of its 15 inch battery was no laughing matter let alone the distructiveness of the 16 inch cannons of HMS Rodney

And with the combined firepower HMS Hood, HMS Rodney and the Dido Class Light Cruisers overwhelming naval batteries. It left the fortress and its defenders into ash and rubble

More than a minute of firing a salvo was enough to left it in ruins and with my duty as King to end this once and for all, I left the Vanguard on a smaller boat with Royal Marines as armed escorts and personally end Adler. I held my Webley Revolver on my dominant hand as we approach the shores

Once on land, we made haste and rush towards the fortress, the marines aim their rifles at the bodies laying on the ground while i scan the surrounding area for Adler. We stay alerted as we are in enemy territory and made sure the occupant defenders are dead

The bodies of monster and humans made my stomach twist and turn from the sight but pushed through this without any delay. There were a few tough monsters who were crawling away and bleeding out from the salvo but the soldiers granted them a mercy kill to end their sufferings

Royal Marine Lieutenant: The fighting's done. Rest easy now, mate

He said those words to a human who's face is burnt and losing a large amount of blood. His face clearly says that he wanted to see his loved ones before passing but was unable to be granted that, a loud bang then a casing fell to the ground as one of the human defenders was granted mercy to end his suffering

Glory to the Crown (A Self Insert Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt