Iron Man 2 (Part 7): Hardware Mode

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Tony, with the help of Blake, get to work on making a new element for the Arc Reactor.

Blake (V.O.): "I wasn't quite sure where Tony was taking us, but nevertheless, I went anyway and see what he was going to do."

Both of them were in Tony's car, driving in the highway. Tony then made a stop to a little stand where a man was selling strawberries.

Vendor: "Hola señores (Hello sirs)."

Blake: "Cuanto por las fresas (How much for the strawberries)?" He asked.

Vendor: "$6. Six."

Blake: "Here you go." He said as he hands him the six dollars and the vendor gives him the strawberries.

Vendor: "Aren't you two Iron Man?" He asked.

Blake: [chuckles] "He is, not me." He clarified, as he believes he was referring to the incident in Monaco where he wore one of Tony's suits.

Tony: "Well, sometimes." He said as he drove off.

Vendor: "We believe in you!" He yelled.

Blake (V.O.):"I know for a fact that Pepper was allergic to strawberries, as I told Tony that but he decided to get it anyways, 'cause... I really don't know. We did get Pepper something else, and I figured I keep the strawberries for something else."

Pepper: "It was an illegal seizure of trademark property."

Pepper was currently in her office, having a phone call with someone else. As she was talking, the PA entered.

Secretary: "Miss Potts?"

Tony: "Relax." He said as he entered the office, while Blake following, holding a bag.

Secretary: "Mr. Stark..."

Tony: "Is here." He cuts her off.

Secretary: "He refuses..."

Tony: "I don't. It's fine. I'll just be a second."

Blake: "I'm so sorry about him, miss. We'll be very quick, I promise." He said as she then nodded and closes the door.

Pepper: "Listen, it's our position that Stark has and continues to maintain propriety ownership of the Mark II platform." She was still talking on the phone.

As the two were walking towards her, the TV was on.

Man on TV: "When Mr Stark announced he was indeed Iron Man, he was making a promise to America."

Pepper: "No, the suit belongs to us."

Man on TV: "We trusted that he would look out for us."

Pepper: "Yeah, but you're not...

Man of TV: "He obviously did not."

Pepper: "Burt..."

Man on TV: "And now we learn that his secretary..."

Pepper: "Yes, it does."

Man on TV: "...a woman named Virginia "Pepper" Potts, has been appointed as CEO of Stark Industries. What are her qualifications?"

Both Tony and Blake stood there silently, glancing at the TV and Pepper. Things were looking too good.

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