Chapter 35 - The Last Game

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"Actually, I'm going to sit with my roommates. They've already saved me a seat," Sakura jerked her thumb towards the entryway, already backing towards it. People were starting to stare and whisper again. "Good luck with the game! I'llseeyouonlineafterwards!"

So saying, she took off, bag of snacks bouncing behind her.

Sasuke blinked, watching her go. Then he smirked. As if I'd let her get away that easily.

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"Sakura! Over here!" It took Sakura a minute to spot her friends amongst the crowds. They'd managed to snag decent seats halfway up the stands, right beside a stairwell that faced the middle of the court.

"We saved you a seat, just in case the date went poorly," Tenten shuffled so that Sakura could take the aisle seat on her left.

"Thanks," Sakura said breathlessly as she plopped into her seat and looked around. "Wow, it's crowded today, isn't it?"

Temari stared at her from Tenten's other side, "You really haven't been paying attention, have you? This is the varsity farewell game for the CS department! I told you! Uchiha-senpai's definitely going to be here."

"Oh yeah," Sakura scratched her head, not sure how to explain the pickle she found herself in with the whole Uchiha-senpai/Meister situation.

"S-Sakura-chan's been a bit preoccupied," Hinata said from Temari's far side. She nudged Temari and gave her a small, mischievous smile.

Reminded of the mission, Temari asked, "Oh right, Sakura-chan - how'd the date go?"

"It wasn't a date, per se," Sakura hedged, "Just a... meet up."

"So how'd the meet-up go? C'mon Sakura, spill!" Tenten burst out, "Who was he? What was he like? When are you guys getting together and making babies?"

"Tenten!" Sakura gasped.

"Well, the way you've been mooning about him the past few weeks-,"

"You know what, stuff your mouth with this," Sakura took the enormous bag of snacks she'd almost forgotten about and shoved it into Tenten's hands. "And give me a break!"

"Hey Missy, we're not done here - Oooh, shrimp chips," Tenten pulled a bright red packet out of the bag.

"Are there any candied chestnuts?" Temari asked, digging into the bag as well. She frowned when she came up empty. "Boo, no chestnuts. C'mon Sakura, you know those are my favourite."

Uchiha-senpai put together that bag in like two minutes - you should be grateful there's anything you like in there. Sakura couldn't say it out loud, though. She still wasn't sure how to explain the whole Meister/Uchiha-senpai thing.

"W-Where did you get the snacks, Sakura-chan?" Hinata asked. Before Sakura could come up with any more excuses, though, a wave of excitement rippled through the crowd as all heads turned toward the entrance.

"See, I told you he'd be here," Temari said as Uchiha-senpai made his courtside appearance in his street clothes. "Is he looking for someone?"

Pricked by her guilty conscience since she'd fled from him not five minutes ago, Sakura looked in the other direction and covered her face with her hand. Luckily, everyone else was too focused on the man of the hour to see how dumb she looked. As she tried to make herself look innocuous, she accidentally made eye contact with a blond girl she vaguely recognized sitting across the aisle, two rows back. Where have I seen her -?

"He's looking over here!" Temari hissed at her. "Remember to breath- Hey Sakura-chan, who are you looking at?"

"Oh, leave her alone, she's moved on to new crushes and isn't interested in old loves. Don't think I've forgotten about the father of my future niblings, young lady." Tenten didn't take her eyes off the drama near the entrance as people started to try and figure out what Uchiha-senpai was looking at.

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