The boarding school.

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7 years ago (age 10):

(2 days ago)

My dad walks me down strange looking hallways that smelt of horrible chemicals and old people. I know my mom is sick but this place smells like death. We both hear the sounds of dreadful coughing in the distance as we approach a room. My moms room.

I knew she wasn't getting any better. I'm so nervous to see her, I have an itching feeling that dad told her about the fight I had at school...

Dad stops at the door and waits for me to come closer. I stop before walking inside and look up at my dad, who puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles sadly before looking up at mom. Dads sad she's sick and so am I, I just wish she would get better. I want my mom back. I want this sickness to go away!

She coughs some more, covering her mouth and holding her stomach to ease the pain I assume, but then she notices me and dad at the doorway. I watch her sit up slowly, arms shaking as she does and looks down at me with all the happiness and care in the world that she has left. Her smile accidentally faltering every now and then. As if one last time. NO! She won't die, NOT on my watch.

"Hi honey..." she says softly.

"Mom!" I run towards her and jump on her bed, giving the biggest hug I can. She holds me in her arms as we embrace each other. "I don't want you to be sick anymore mom..."

"I know...but, we don't always get what we want. Do we?" She tells me. I know that...but it doesn't change anything. I want to cry so bad but...I have to be strong!

"Your father said you got in trouble at school?" She lets me go and I stand back on my own two feet. Darn...

"Yeah...b-but it wasn't my fault! There's this kid and he's j- he's just a big bully! He's always picking on the little kids an-" I try to defend myself, I don't want mom to be upset with me...

"And you got in a fight..." she continues, knowing exactly what I did. Oh no... she's so mad! She probably hates me now...

"I'm sorry mom...I promise I wont fight anymore! I'll be good from now on. I-I'll make you proud and- and..." I sob and stumble over my words. I never want to fight again if it means it upsets my mom...

"Oh Cole..." her voice is now raspy and getting harder to hear. Oh no I've made her even more sick!

"Don't you see? I am proud!" She grabs my hands and holds them in a cup. "I want you to promise me Cole, that you will always stand up to those who are cruel and unjust. Always." She looks me in the eye, and smiles softly. Man I love her smile...

"I-I promise mom...always." I say and snuggle back into her embrace. We hug for what feels like forever and I wish I never have to leave.

But then, my dad tells me it's time to go. I say goodbye and wait for my dad outside the room in the waiting area. He's taking a while, and that's when I realise that instead of coughing noises I can hear, it's beeping noises this time. And they're going haywire! There are loads of nurses and doctors heading in the same direction as the sound, and when I ask one of them what is going on he just looks at me sympathetically and tells me that my dad will be out soon and to sit down again.

This was the last time I ever saw my mom again.

(A few days later)

"Cole, you'll be fine. Your mother and I both went to this school and it was an amazing opportunity. You'll be great like us one day maybe even greater!" My dad explains after throwing my bags to the ground.

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