Part 17

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The Sheriff wiped away any tears that started forming, thanking Happy Hank over and over again until he was sure they understood how thankful he really was. He had an opportunity he never realized he'd had to make amends.

Sheriff) So.. Do you wanna—

A quiet shuffling noise sounded, interrupting The Sheriffs' thoughts. It almost seemed like something was being dragged over the dry, Nevadan dirt. The Sheriff picked up on it immediately, hushing himself quickly.

He softly placed a finger over Happy Hank's mouth when they opened it to say something. The Sheriff slowly lowered his hand, looking past Happy Hank as he shielded them.

He side-stepped, guiding Happy Hank behind him. [protective Sheriff moment >x) ] Thats when he saw it.

The snake. 

It wasn't really that big,  but The Sheriff recognized it to be a Pit Viper. He wasn't sure of much other than that.. except that now was a good time to get moving.

He turned and gently grabbed Skittles wrist, leading him away. The wide-eyed, confused look he got in return almost caused him to make an "awww" sound. 

Skittles followed The Sheriff after he let go of their wrist, shrugging a thought off that had popped into their head.

Skittles) Are we headed to Nexus City now-?

The Sheriff nodded, smiling a little as he quickened his pace. 

— - —

The sky had almost turned black now, only a bit of red outlined the very edges of some buildings farther ahead. The Sheriff felt like he could curl up and fall asleep right now—so he was shocked to see Happy Hank humming a tune and skipping behind him. 

The Sheriff made no comment to their actions, not wanting to make Skittles feel like they had to stop. He honestly didn't mind. 

Skittles) We're almost there!

The Sheriff nodded from Happy Hank's observation, looking up to see the tall buildings—though not as enthusiastic about it as Happy Hank. He suddenly wondered where Hank had ended up. He decided not to talk about it, since the last time Skittles had talked to Hank; he'd been irritable.

Sheriff) We've gotta be careful, though. The Science tower is in Nexus City.. meanin' The Auditor or Phobos could be lookin' for us. Who knows if The Auditor told him.. I woul'n't be surprised.

Skittles giggled while they moved to walk beside The Sheriff, matching his every step. Happy Hank smiled when The Sheriff chuckled. They brightened his mood, just by walking beside him.


They approached the tall buildings which the windows guided them with their light. If it wasn't for that, they'd be walking in the dark; since in most parts of Nevada, you are unable to see the stars.

Skittles) Where do you think we should go from here?

The Sheriff silently respected that Skittles had kept their voice down. He looked around after emerging to a street on the other side of a tall, half-lit building. A few lights around started to go out, or get blocked by curtains and shades.

A car slowly putted along down the street and a few grunts walked down the sidewalk past Sheriff and Happy Hank; like they didn't even notice them both standing their awkwardly. But maybe that was a good thing.

The Sheriff reached to hold onto Skittles' hand, gently pulling them along down the sidewalk--after recognizing the area of Nexus City they were standing in. He was heading in the opposite direction that two Grunts were going.

Sheriff) The Science tower is farther down behind us, I don't wanna risk it. 

The Sheriff smiled a little when Happy Hank nodded, pretending he didn't notice their slightly pink face.

His next words were drowned out by a holler. 


The Sheriff's eyes quickly widened while he dragged Happy Hank away from the road. 


The Sheriff cursed quietly, trying to lead Happy Hank around the back-alleys of Nexus City. Happy Hank kept pace, holding onto The Sheriff's hand tighter. 

Sheriff) Happy, run-! I'll distract them.

Skittles' eyes widened. They quickly shook their head. 

Skittles) No way am I leaving you to do this alone.!

The Sheriff knew he couldn't keep running forever. He pulled Happy Hank in front of him, forcing them to stay ahead. 

Skittles ) Sheriff.!!

He ignored Skittles' pleads, who was currently still trying to fight to get Sheriff back ahead. 

Sheriff ) Just, go.!! Please.!

Skittles saw the desperate look in The Sheriffs eyes, slowly giving in. 

Skittles ) F-fine.. But we're meeting up here again tomorrow morning, okay.?!

The Sheriff quickly nodded, shoving Happy Hank down an alley that led to more twists and turns. He watched as Skittles ran down the alley, turning back just to give a weak smile and wave. They spun away—disappearing into the shadows. 

An Agent approached from behind a building in the direction The Sheriff had just been. He shot at them with his shiny, silver revolver—now unclipped from his handy belt. He had aimed for their head but shot their chest. The Agent collapsed, gripping the fresh hole in their chest. 

The Sheriff turned, his heart thumping loudly in his ears. He was no coward. He would prove he was stronger now than ever before. Suddenly, The Sheriff was pulled quickly around a tight corner. A familiar, sickening cigar scent wafted towards him. 

Tob ) Hiya there, Marshal. 

The Sheriff yanked his arm out from Tob's grip, his heartrate relaxing slightly. 

Sheriff ) ..Personal space. 

Tobs smile was crooked.

Tob ) I'm just trying to help you out, buddy. 

The Sheriff cringed at the way Tob spoke to him. Yet, again, he said nothing about it.

Sheriff ) Whatev'r.. if you're gonna help, then you'd better make yourself useful and-

Tob suddenly squeezed onto The Sheriff's wrist, throwing him the best he could out of the narrow corridor.  The Sheriff fell to his knees, too startled by Tob's actions to yell. He was held down, unable to get up. 

Glistening red eyes appeared through the dark, staring down at The Sheriff. Everything else was shrouded completely from the building's shadow. 

Auditor) Well hello there, you traitor. 

Bringing You Down With Me (Skittles/Happy Hank X Sheriff )Where stories live. Discover now