Part 7

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The fog was thick.. They couldn't see anything out in front of them. They tried to walk through it, slowly advancing, but never getting anywhere.They ran forward- not actually bothered.

They eventually laid down, too tired to continue frolicking. At this point in time, the fog began thinning out- revealing an empty, and dark space. The only light was a small glimmer at the far, far, side of the space.

They weren't in a hurry. They quite liked this place. But later decided- with nothing else left to do- to try and investigate what the glisten was.

As they advanced closer, they soon realized it wasn't just a glisten.. it was an opening of.. light? What for? They didn't know. They soon walked up to the light, and tried to stick their hand through. Their whole arm up to their shoulder went through the opening. He cautiously entered, slowly stepping one foot forward at a time. 

They walked upon solid ground, that was white like the new space. They continued walking, until chills shivered up their spine. Suddenly feeling of unease crept into their mind. So they turned around, wanting to go back to that comforting, calm, dark space. They hadn't realized they were falling until the gravitational pull lifted his legs. 

They fell. Faster. Farther. Down. Down they went.

Until it turned black.

They couldnt see anything, but they felt they were still falling. That is until they landed down on an unfamiliar surface with a loud- SNAP! sound. They screamed. 

They heard their scream inside their head. Although it was rough, and scratchy, it sounded oddly familiar.

They tried getting up, gritting their teeth when the pain wouldn't let them. They sighed, and attempted to roll over on their stomach, surprised that they could. They took in a shaky breath as they relaxed for a moment. Crimson blood sprayed a wide area around them. Causing them to slightly tremble. They had only ever seen this much blood in one place one other time, the circumstances for both encounters not being good.

Bringing You Down With Me (Skittles/Happy Hank X Sheriff )Where stories live. Discover now