Part 6

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Sheriff) Damnit..

Sheriff spoke, quietly, quickly, hastily. Panting silently while his breath fogged out in front of him; with the sun rising higher behind in the far distance. The dew-seeped grass slipped underneath Sheriff as he ran deep through the unadorned woods, condensation climbing up the sides of his boots. He clutched onto Skittles as he weaved through the trees, not wanting him to slip from outside his arms' grasp.

Sheriff didn't stop running. He didn't look back. He didn't slow down.. Just kept on running. Even when his legs ached, and his chest pained.. he didn't stop.

Someone suddenly called something inaudible to Sheriff from behind. That made Sheriff run further. Faster. Continuing to ignore the screaming in his lungs.

???) You buffoon. You can't keep running forever.

It was like Sheriff's mind was waiting for confrontation. That he couldn't run forever.. Because when they spoke, almost just as fast Sheriff's legs gave way- and he stumbled to the ground, grunting when he landed; ruining the knees on his pants from grass-stains.

A black figure seeped out from a shadow on the ground. His red eyes glistened off the morning dew, with the slight fog that seemed to electrify the intensity of the glow, too. Sheriff tightly held Skittles in his arms, trying to remain calm. 

Sheriff) Go away par'ner.. I don't have anything left for you.

The flames radiating off of the strange figure slightly grew off them.

???) I'm not done until you are. 

They didn't point.. but Sheriff knew exactly what they where talking about. He slowly shook.

Sheriff) Take my house.. my agents- anything.! Just not him.. please...

The figure's eyes slightly widened, before they grunted.

???) I already have your agents.

Sheriff said nothing.

???) Fine. Be that way. Give them up before things get messy.

Sheriff's arms wrapped around Skittles' body.

Sheriff) I-i can't..

The figure grunted, before stepping closer to Sheriff.. towering over him- which caused Sheriff to shrink back, lower to the ground.

Sheriff) Why.. Do you even want him.?

???) I want you to have nothing. I like to see your pain.

Sheriff grit his teeth. He slowly stood up, in front of the figure.

Sheriff) You have everything at the tip of your fingers! Let me go already.! I wasn't that good for your agency anyways.!!

The figures eyes squinted.

???) You still betrayed me.

Sheriff looked away and huffed.

Sheriff) Because I didn't want to be your little puppet anymore.!

???) I could give you what you want.. anything. That.. boy.. drew you away from the agency.

Sheriff) I didn't want to be a part of some- agency that wanted to kill Skitz's brother.!

The figure chuckled.. Sheriff felt uneasy.

???) Which is why I'm willing to forgive you...

Sheriffs eyes slightly widened, his hands trembled.

???) If you hand over that boy.

Bringing You Down With Me (Skittles/Happy Hank X Sheriff )Where stories live. Discover now