041. fourty one

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no tws except for some madison beer slander 😭 i actually love her don't come @ me

"if you take one more photo of me, i am going to throw your phone on the ground," bella says, staring at kit taking a photo of her while she's eating her ice cream.

"okay, sorry, i'll stop," he chuckles, putting his phone away. "you're very cute though." the two were spending their second to last day in america at disneyland.

"whatever," she says, blushing as she takes another bite of her ice cream. "i cant believe we have a 7am flight tomorrow. the thought of being on a plane in like, less than twenty four hours is killing me."

"do you not want to go back to england?" he asks her.

"i do. i'm just tired of traveling all the time." she pauses, before adding, "that sounds so pretentious, holy shit. i'm just trying to say i want to take a break from stuff. doing music and concerts and filming the show is really a lot."

"how about we go on holiday after we're doing filming?" kit suggests. "like, what we're doing now but longer. i think that could be fun."

"yeah, i'd really like that," bella replies, smiling, and then he leans in to kiss her. "okay," she giggles, pulling away. "there are definitely going to be photos online later if you kiss me here." he looks around, no one noticing the two of them.

"i don't see anyone looking," he says. she rolls her eyes, but allows him to kiss her once again. bella found herself deepening their kiss, forgetting about her ice cream as she brings one of her hands to his jaw. someone clears their throat, and kit quickly pulls away from the girl. bella was afraid it was someone who recognized the two, but it was instead a worker.

"if you're going to be acting inappropriately, you cannot do it in front of our restaurant," he says, and then walks away. bella's jaw drops, and her boyfriend begins to laugh.

"shit, i didn't realize a little bit of snogging was considered inappropriate," kit says, leaning back in his chair.

"we should definitely expect a lifetime ban from disney."

it's later that night, and bella is lying against kit as they're watching a movie on the tv in their hotel room.

"you smell good," he says, his voice slightly muffled by her hair.

"i did in fact just wash my hair, so that makes sense," she laughs. "also, i was thinking, if we went on a vacation after—"


"shut up," he says.

"as i was saying," bella continues, "i think we should go to paris again. we were only there for a few days, but it was so nice. or, amsterdam. they have legal weed, you know. or... maybe greece? i've wanted to be in mamma mia for so long, so—"

"you have a weirdly large amount of energy right now," he says, cutting off her rant of words. "i will go anywhere if i'm with you, darling. all of those places sound lovely."

"i love you," she says, leaning in to kiss him.

"love you too," he replies, then pauses the movie. "i want to smoke. do you want to smoke?"

"yeah, actually. maybe it'll calm my 'weirdly large amount of energy' you claim i have."

"oh, piss off," he laughs, walking over to his bag. bella sits up in the bed, suddenly feeling cold without kit's arms around her. she looks around the room to see if one of his sweatshirts was anywhere, and she found one lying on the edge of the bed. she pulls it over her body, feeling much more comfortable. "oh, shit," he says suddenly, halting his actions.

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