014. fourteen

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"so what are you going to do after we're done? don't we only have like, two more weeks left?" kit asks bella as they're sitting on the ground after finishing their scenes for the day. bella usually had to stick around for joe to finish up, so she was still there and kit decided to wait around with her as well.

"oh, i don't know. i've been doing a lot of stuff recently and it's getting to be a lot, so i might just take a bit of a break."

"that makes sense. i figured you were going to go to america and do stuff there or something."

"don't want me to leave london or something?" she asks, and he rolls his eyes, which makes her laugh.

"fuck off."

"hey, are you doing anything after this?" she asks him, and he shakes his head. "if you want to come over to the apartment and hang out later you can."

"are you guys having like, a party or something?"

"uh, no... i figured just you could come over. only if you want," bella says, starting to regret asking. "sorry. you probably think that's weird."

"bell, my day was supposed to be over two hours ago and i'm still here with you. clearly i like hanging out with you."

"what are you doing?" bella says to joe, following him into his room as he clearly is about to leave the apartment. kit had been over for about ten minutes, and bella assumed they would hang out with joe as well, but it clearly appeared that was not happening.

"uh, going to the cinema. why are you being weird?"

"you cannot leave me alone with him," she says, shutting the door so their conversation isn't heard.

"what? are you serious?"

"you cannot do that to me, joe. i cannot be here with him by ourselves!"

"thought you said you didn't fancy him," joe says, and bella groans.

"i don't know. i think i do. being alone with him makes me nervous!"

"i don't know what to tell you. i have plans. you didn't tell me he was coming 'round till an hour ago anyways."

"ugh," she groans. "i'm going to vomit."

"i think you'll be fine. like i said, i'm pretty sure he seemed into you the other night in your trailer, so i wouldn't worry. okay?" joe replies, walking towards the door to his room to exit.

"no please don't leave me—"

"text me, okay? bye." he leaves his room with the door open, and bella stands in the doorway for a moment before walking back out.

"sorry about that," bella says. "um, do you want a drink or anything?"

"sure," kit replies, walking towards bella in the kitchen. "do you have any wine?"

"wine? i thought you only drank beer," bella states, opening up the cabinet besides the fridge to grab a bottle.

"i drink wine when i want to have alcohol but don't want to get fucked up. where's your bottle opener?"

"you need a bottle to open wine?"

"oh my god, you can't be serious."

"you know i don't drink!"

"yes, but the fact that you have wine in this flat and you didn't even know you needed an opener for it," he says, looking in the cupboard for the opener.

"joe's the one who buys it, not me," she mutters as kit finally finds the bottle opener in the cabinet.

"here. i'll show you how to open it." he hands her the opener. "okay, first, use the little knife thing to cut the plastic bit off." bella has no problem with that, discarding the plastic in the trash. "okay, now take the little screw part and screw it into the cork until the other part attaches to the bottle."

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