016. sixteen

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when bella arrived to set, she was greeted by kit in her trailer. "ew, oh my god, how did you get in here?" she asks, closing the door behind her.

"ew? that's what you think of when you see me?"

"shut up. i thought you were an intruder!"

"your door was unlocked, stupid. that's your fault."

"oh," is all she says, putting her bag on the couch. "how long have you been here?"

"i got here like two hours ago. i did some stuff with joe, but i have a break before we have stuff to shoot."

"oh, okay. cool," bella replies, turning around from the couch. "hey, by the way, i, uh... i told will about us kissing. i hope that's okay. i know i probably shouldn't of, but we were talking for a while last night about stuff and it kind of just came up."

"that was totally fine, i don't mind. i kind of talked to him about you a lot before the other night."

"oh, good," she says, smiling. as she's digging through her bag to find a hair tie, she feels kit come up behind her and hug her. "hey," bella says, squirming out of arms, "you can't do that here."

"why not? no one can see us in here," he replies.

"you quite literally broke in here without me knowing, so that's a lie."

"it's going to be really hard not to kiss you all day here, you know?"

"now you're just being dramatic," bella laughs, shaking her head. "just kiss me now, it's fine."

"so i can kiss you but not hug you in here?" he teases, and as he's leaning in to kiss her, the door swings open, and joe walks in.

"ew," he groans. "is this seriously what i'm going to have to deal with all day?"

"no, because he shouldn't be doing anything like that at work," bella replies, quickly stepping away from kit. "and what are you doing in here anyways?"

"i just wanted to see if you got here yet. clearly, i should probably leave."

"no! i actually have to go get my hair done. you should come with me," she says to her friend. bella turns around to face kit again and says, "you don't come with me. go do something else."

"how's that fair?"

"because you're a distraction. goodbye." bella practically pushes joe out the door, and he follows her as she starts walking.

"so i assume you guys aren't making it known that you're a thing then?" joe asks her.

"yeah. it's not even that i don't want people here to know, it's just that as soon as more than just a few people know, it'll definitely become a thing for the whole world to know and i am not ready for that yet."

"have you guys talked about that at all?"

"a bit. we were on facetime for like, four hours last night and talked a little about it. i told him about my ex and everything and how that was pretty traumatizing, so he completely understands wanting to be lowkey about us for now."

"makes sense. that's good."

"yeah. ugh. i just... i like him so much, and i'm so scared it's going to suddenly be bad and he won't—"

"oh my god, shut up!" joe says, interrupting her. "it's kit. you know he won't be a dickhead. as odd as it is to me right now that you two are together, i don't think there's anyone better for you."

"thanks," bella replies, smiling. although she would never admit it, she really did value his opinion.

it was the end of the day, and bella was at kit's apartment, changing into one of his jackets as she hadn't brought anything to change out of from work. when she walked out of his room, he smiled.

"you look cute in my clothes," he says. "you're so pretty. i don't get it."

"okay, be quiet," she laughs, walking over to him. "do you have a cig? i need nicotine so bad right now."

"uh, yeah, but do it outside or else my smoke alarm will go off," he says, and briefly disappears into his room, returning a moment later with a pack. "i'll join you." kit leads her out to the balcony, shutting the door behind the two of them. bella pulls out her lighter, and inhales the smoke for a minute before blowing it out into the cold air. "light me?" kit asks, holding up his cigarette. bella holds it up until it catches the flame, and then sets her lighter aside. "so... i was thinking we could watch some survivor in a bit?"

"yeah, that would be fun," bella replies. "oh my god, could i please paint your nails? that would be so fun."

"oh god. fine," he groans, and she grins, leaning in to kiss him. when she pulls away, kit then asks, "you have nail polish in your bag but no other clothes?"


"priorities, i can see."

"be quiet!"

after five more minutes, the two of them put out their cigarettes and toss them in the garbage. bella follows kit back inside the apartment, making sure the door was closed behind them.

"okay," she starts, digging through her bag as he takes a seat on the couch, turning on the tv. "i have black, or pink, or purple."

"i honestly don't mind. whatever you think is best."

"okay, purple," bella decides, walking over to sit next to him on the couch. "stop moving your hand," she says as he keeps moving it in her grip.

"i'm not!"

"i'm going to get this all over your hands if you don't stop," she warns, and he sighs, keeping it still.

"is this what you and joe do at home?" he asks, and she nods. "you guys live quite the crazy lives." for that comment, bella takes the brush from the polish and wipes it on his face. "are you kidding me?" he says, taking it from her hand and wiping it on hers.

"stop it!" she exclaims, grabbing it back. "you were being annoying."

"okay, i'm sorry," kit apologizes. "no more moving." after bella manages to finish his nails, she leans back on the couch, sighing in relief.

"that was way more stressful than i thought it would be," she says.

"can i do yours?"


"can i do your nails?"

"fine," she says, sighing again. he grins, walking over to her bag to grab the black polish.

"you're doing black? that's the one that's the easiest to tell when you mess it up," she whines, and kit gives her a look.

"so you're saying i'm going to fuck this up?"


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